Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Half River Downs Roller Coaster


3 stalwarts broke the hold of the fartsack on this glorious Monday morning and posted at River Run to log some miles and climb some hills.  The route today started with a nice mosey down to the high school and around by the baseball fields, then we headed West on 711 and turned left into River Downs to tackle the Queens Grant hill.  When we descended the back side on Royal Crest Drive, rather than turn around and repeat the hills in reverse to complete the River Downs Roller Coaster, we took a right on Riverdowns South and made our way back to BWES for a mostly flat to downhill return and a total of just over 4 miles for the day.  The full roller coaster will reopen again soon.

Number-rama, name-a-rama and YHC took us out with a quick prayer of thanks and wishes for safe travels for any PAX members and families traveling for Spring break this week.


  • C-ville F3 – see Lab Rat and send contacts to F3charlottesville@gmail.com
  • Galactosemia golf tourney – May 19 – see Wilson
  • HDHH – details to come from Flashdance


Great to have LugNut back out.  Way to push through a tough 4 today LugNut.  Always fun to run with McRib, especially when we can discuss a weekend series win for the Keydet baseball team.

Have a great week men!

No more Gumbo for you!


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  1. Good job guys. Still nursing a gimpy knee from last week’s trail run. Hope to be there next Monday. Save me a spot…

  2. Fun times Gumbo and thanks for leading. Great to have Lug Nut back in the gloom also.

    I’m impressed with rolling hills of River Downs and they provided a nice change of scenery. I received my fill of Twin Team on Friday :).
