7 gather SOJ @ SOT. No assigned Q. 5:30am
(Döner Kebab) Mosey. COP: SSH, B&Ws, Merks, IWs, Planks, Elbows to Hands IC, Rosalitas, LBCs
(Honeymoon) Mosey. Tracers. Ring of Fire (10 Merks). Repeato. Mosey. Spartan Penalty: 30 Burpees OYO. (Jville down. Jville out.)
(Wilson) Partner – Love Hill: lunges, walkout merks, broad jumps. Mosey. No Jville. Mary: Single Leg Lifts, APDs, Rosalitas, Dollies, Jville returns, Heels to Heaven, Superman
(Carmen Sandiego) Partner – BooYa Loops: IWs & Squats – up to 5. Little confusion.
(Döner Kebab) Freddies, Proctractor
COT – Jville.
In true SOJ style, the PAX was not phased by no assigned Q for SOT and picked up right where NoToll left off yesterday with an impromptu Hot Potato. YHC took initial command then passed the Q around. TClaps to Carmen Sandiego for his creativity during the final 7 minutes, prefacing his called exercise with the title of this BB.
Last week’s “Week of Johnsonville” may have taken its toll on its namesake after Jville heard something pop in his knee during the Spartan Penalty. Take it easy Jville. YHC hopes you just went down to ensure that Wilson had even numbers when his name was called.
Good luck to Honeymoon as he reunites with his F3 Mooresville Brothers to take on the Charlotte Spartan Race this weekend. Kick ass.
SOJ PAX are looking forward to new AO offering this Friday for a bootcamp @ Bettie Weaver ES.
Lab Rat is spearheading the F3 Leap to Charlottesville. Email F3charlottesville@gmail.com w/ contacts and other interested Cville parties.
GridIron will host a 2.0 & M-friendly scavenger hunt bootcamp on Saturday Apr 15, the day before Easter. Jville will be reaching out via PreBlast to try and get a headcount.
Stay safe in tomorrow morning’s forecasted storms.
I am really enjoying the hot potato Q’s! Well done Carmen San Diego! First Q in the books. Now it’s time to sign up for a full Q! I got really concerned that JVille went missing as we were heading back to do some Mary. Heal fast JVille!
Hot Potato ! Great job fella’s ..
See y’all in the gloom..