4 of the RiverRun faithful showed up for the return of the run. Nothing new or out of the ordinary for the run today, just the classic. Down James River Road and into Tarrington, around the Ashwell Loop and up the hill to Robious. Head first into the bush and down Twin Team. Circle the schools to round out the 5 miles.
The group stayed together today after what seemed to be a tiring weekend for those in attendance. Wilson bailed early this morning with a #runningsucks text in the early hours to Honeymoon. The hills are still alive and well at RiverRun and we are looking forward to hitting them on a weekly basis.
Enjoyed the run men, thanks for the company, it makes 5 miles go by quick.
The hills are most certainly alive at RiverRun and they bite back sometimes, but we set a strong baseline on this classic course against which we can track our gains over the coming months. Well done gents!
Well done – dudes !
See y’all in the gloom..
That was a fun time this AM Rosie. I enjoyed my first F3 run workout. Those hills are definitely a female dog.
Thanks for leading today.
See #runningsucks! Not one pleasant thing said about the hills. I’ll be out there soon.