Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

4 Second Holds


5 men gathered in the gloom to move some bells. It should have been 6, but the person that called out YHC to lead this morning didn’t show up. Not gonna name names, Wheelie knows what he did.

Mosey to the school entrance


SSH x 12 IC

Don Quixotes x12 IC

Hillbillies x 12 IC

Mosey back to the front yard for the main set

Each hold is for a four count, each set is done for 90 seconds

Two handed press  hold half way

repeat with  no hold

Clean and press hold at rack then press

repeat with  no hold

Sit up press hold at top of press

repeat with no hold

Merkin rows hold at bottom of merkin and at top of row

repeat with no hold

Lawn mowers  hold at top of pull  (switching arms throughout)

Repeat with no hold

Low Pull  hold at top

repeat no hold

Low Lunge  hold in lunge and at transition

repeat no hold

Squats  hold at bottom

repeat no hold

KB swings hold over head

repeat no hold

Curl hold at half (switching arms throughout)

repeat no curl

Boat canoe to finish out time

Short Mosey to flag



Helix took us out


  • Ashcreek 5K May 20th. See Spit. http://www.ashcreek5k.com/


The weather was beautiful in the gloom as YHC pulled in at 5:26 to see two cars in the lot but another two follow him in, none of which contained Wheelie.The COP was meant to have more exercises each one only have 4 done, but apparently YHC cannot count past 3 when Q’ing. YHC’s son (Chewy) saw the swings for the challenge and stated “what if you stopped half way through and froze” the light bulb went off and this workout was created.

The mumble-chatter slowly died to grunts during the merkin rows and the low lunges, not sure but it looked like THE Carpenter was thinking about lunging back home. The PAX attacked this workout with enthusiasm and vigor and did us all proud.

Thanks again for letting me lead






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  1. Great Q this morning Mudface! I think there is a rule when you call some one out to Q you better post at that AO. I guess that will go into Wheelie’s corporate file!

    The Merkins rows were no joke! Really enjoy the 4 second hold. My arms will thank you later!

    See you all in the gloom!

  2. The Carpenter on

    Way to MAN UP and lead, Mudface. This Q was well worth the time, effort and energy. The 4 second holds definitely added a twist and tricked the muscles. Helix continues to show the ideal form on all exercises and we all need to take notes. This AO is always a highlight of the week in the middle of all of the other wild AO’s out there.

  3. Great Q as always, Mudface. The variety definitely caused muscle confusion. Thanks to Chewie for turning on the lightbulb.