Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Punished by Ye Olde Dirty MacDeuce


Nine Redwoods posted at Linwood Holton ES on a drizzly, but very comfortable, Monday morning. Johnsonville (YHC), with substantial effort, planted his SF in the rock-hard clay. After brief chatting about some exciting NCAAB games, the gloom commenced. This is what went down, more or less:

Warmup: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Don Quiote, 8 Count Bodybuilder Burpees (pan pax)

Dirty MacDeuce (all in cadence except as noted; all in COP except wall work, laps, and moseys):

Mosey to southeast side of the front circle/triangle drive for Round 1:
12x merkins
12x slow squats
12x flutter kicks
lap school

Mosey to bare brick wall on south wing of school for Round 2:
12x single count balls to wall OYO. Rinse and Repeat.
12x jump squats with alternating ground touches
12x donkey kicks
lap school

Mosey to middle of straightway in bus loop for Round 3:
12x wide grip merkins
12x back or curtsey lunges
12x single leg Alabama Prom Dates (right); 12x single leg Alabama Prom Dates (right); 12x single leg Alabama Prom Dates (both)
lap school

Mosey to soccer field for Round 4:
12x diamond merkins
12x Lt. Dans
12x box cutters
lap school

Bunny Hop the length of the field
Bear crawl back
Crab Walk the length of the field

COP. Roxanne.

Mosey to SF. COP.
Right leg suspended. 10x touch left elbow.
Left leg suspended. 10x touch right elbow.
20x LBCs

COT with LabRad taking us out.

-UPDATE: New Bootcamp (#TwinTeam) commencing 4/7 at Bettie Weaver ES in Midlo. #RiverRun will revert to a run, as its name demands
-April 15 – 2.0 Scavenger Hunt @ GridIron, Q’d by Jville & Earthworm
-LabRat is leading an effort to expand F3 to Charlottesville. This effort will require (i) finding motiviated leaders there, and (ii) support on a number of levels by F3 RVA. For now, LabRat needs help identifying potential leaders in Charlottesville.


It was great to travel outside of my normal RVA sub-region and to re-familiarize myself with The Punisher. 8 Count Bodybuilders are harder than they they appear. Counting Lt. Dans in cadence is like being water-boarded. Running brisk laps around Linwood Holton is also like being water-boarded, particularly when trying to keep up with Splinter and Offshore (who had little trouble remaining out front). LabRat did not disappoint with mumble chatter throughout the workout. HoneyDo taunted and challenged YHC in the crabwalks. He fell slightly short, but he is getting close. YHC better start practicing during off-hours.

Thank you for permitting me to lead The Punisher. It is a privilege and an honor to lead strong, motivated men. Johnsonville

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves. Philippians 2:3


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  1. You hit an extra gear in those Crab Walks Jville. Also no Angry Jville this morning, wonder if the Pax will see him on Q 3 or 4 of this week…

  2. Good luck getting thru the week! If this beat down is indication of what’s in store, you are in for a doozy! TClaps for stepping up the game this week.

  3. Great workout Jville. I miss having a Jville workout in my rotation.

    You forgot about the 1 or 2 hillbillies you started out with instead of the imperial walkers. I know you thought no one saw it but I did. You can take the man out of southside but can’t take southside out of the man.

  4. I admit it. And I admit that hillbillies feel more natural. You have special powers of observation, don’t you?

  5. Excellent point re angry Jville. There is a pretty good chance that I will go medieval on somebody by about Thursday. Ha

  6. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great job – guys way to work – nice to see a week full of Jville beatdowns….

  7. The Carpenter on

    Strong work here! Consistent punishment throughout at Punisher. It is a beautiful thing!

  8. I don’t believe angry Jville exists. But he was all business this morning. Look out PAX.