Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

I have been to the Bel Monte Top


“In the pursuit of awesomeness, there is betterment.”
— Chris Sterling, (Chum Bucket)

9 intrepid cragsmen, including one FNG (Liberace), strapped on their climbing shoes to take on the Bel Monte Endurance Race. 7 PAX started the 25K and 2 opted for double-pain, 50K-style.

The Thang:

Start in Love, VA, head south on Blue Ridge Parkway for roughly 4K (downhill), then proceed off-road on single-track. Route tracked roughly (pun intended) down, up, down, up, down, up, down for many kms.

Intermittent stops were made for frozen water and various nibbles, pickings, and goodies (Camp Marty was a favorite stop).

Post-Camp Marty, route descended at conservatively a 40% grade. Maybe 60%.  After .8km downward, 25k runners hit the turn-around point, and headed for home.

50k travelers continued up, down, up, down, up, down…AMRAP…until 50k turn-around.

Post the respective turn-around points, the route was up, down, up, down, up, down in alternating fashion from outbound route.

All PAXs, on the return leg, met the Blue Ridge Parkway and completed the final 4k UPHILL to the finish. Many PAX learned to swear during this period.


PAX, minus FNG Jim (Liberace), met for pre-race dinner at Blue Mountain Brewing Company. Meals were ordered, beers were consumed, and a schedule assembled for the following morning (alarms, coffee brewing, etc.). Rise and shine came at 4:30 a.m., when approximately nine alarms, all synchronized to the mobile phone networks, erupted simultaneously.  Symphonic.  Teeth were brushed, dry showers were taken, Glide was applied, shoes put on, and coffee was made (well, one pot…then a second pot….no, wait, coffee not made….ah, THAT’s how it’s done…coffee made, bullet dodged),…and the PAX were off.

Temps were chilly (mid-20s at start time), but as the sun rose steadily on the last day of Standard Time, it was sunny and 70 in the PAXs’ hearts. Until it wasn’t.  Props to the Bad to the Bone Crew for having a bonfire pouring out heat in the pre-start Gloom.

After the start, eight PAX hung close together for the initial 4k black top section, with the appropriate mumble-chatter and backslapping.  Except for Lab Rat. “Gde Lab Rat?” Gone, but not lost. Lab Rat was on it from the start, having said “Dasvidanya” to the PAX early and moseyed at break-neck speed down the mountain. More on that shortly…

Once onto the trail, the PAX spread out into roughly groups of two. YHC ran most of the way with Honey Do, Flashdance with Liberace, and Chum with Circle K. 50kers TYA and Saab lost themselves in the moment and owned it all the way. That left Lab Rat running on his own, and a good thing too as he crushed this race. 3:41 minutes if YHC’s post-race hallucinating is to be trusted. Well done, sir. YHC attributes Lab Rat’s performance to a solid training regimen and a mysterious red blood cell donation (transfusion?) 4 weeks prior the race.  In unrelated news, Lab Rat issued a one-word statement at the finish in response to allegations that he had met pre-race with Russian Olympic team officials,“Nyet.”

With the PAX spread across various mountain ridges, YHC spent most of the day with Honey Do, who provided an indomitable spirit throughout the day. Thank you, kind sir, for strong support.

As this was YHC’s first off-road race, a few observations are in order:

  1. Funny thing about nature… there were rocks of all sizes and the occasional fallen log throughout the trail. YHC realized that concentrating on the trail step-by-step was key to not ending up face-down. In short, over 4.5 hours on the trail, YHC spent approximately 30 seconds scanning the scenic vistas for which the Blue Ridge Mountains are known. Conversely, due to selecting Honey Do as his running partner, YHC spent approximately 3 hours looking at red leg hair and black socks….the defining scenery of the day.
  2. Two saltines + peanut butter + Welch’s Concord grape jelly = Nirvana.
  3. Also, having started the day with minimal expectations for a podium finish, YHC will engage in shameless self-congratulations for finishing FIRST in the inaugural Bel Monte 33k Endurance Race. Kudos to Honey Do for finishing 2nd.   This duo proudly represented F3 Richmond!! But wait, you ask. How do PAX finish 1 and 2 in a 33k race when the advertised options were 25k, 50k, and 50 miles? Ah, therein lies the magic of the Q and his compadre losing themselves in the moment and running an extra few miles. Any mathematician knows that it’s hard to finish 3rd in a 2-man race. Counting extra credit, a 20.43 mile race. To quote Honey Do, ”That’s a ballbuster.”  FEBA all the way.

Finally, two big shout outs…first to Lab Rat, who, having completed his own race, drove back to help his injured teammates (Flashdance and Liberace).  When Round 1 of his search came up empty, he nonetheless found a cramped runner literally curled up in a roadside ditch, administered modest life-saving first-aid (have some of my soda?), and returned the man safely to base. A simple act of kindness, perhaps, but a lifesaver to that man, for sure.  Double-well done, sir.

Lastly, a round of backslaps to Flashdance for offering lodging to the PAX. What a place! YHC had hoped for a free floor space – bonus if carpeted. No, sir. This was first class all the way. Thank you, Flashdance.


Bel Monte 2018 Sign-up opens soon.  Circle back for details.


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  1. Gentlemen, thank you for an awesome experience. Looking forward to hearing how the 50kers did…sorry I could not stay until the end…hope all went well.

  2. Great run-down Upchuck. Having been the largest “official” group posting the Bel Monte, you all showed what F3 is really about. Added T-Claps to Lab Rat for slamming the 25k, and many thanks to Flashdance for his kind hospitality. (I also appreciated the cold beer at the finish line…can’t ask for much than that.)

  3. Honey Do RVA on

    Totally deserved the extra miles for the ribbing I gave to Chum and Circle K. Thanks to Flashdance for the house and hospitality! Loved the chance to see Saab and TYA finish the 50k.

  4. First-Thanks to Flashdance for the hospitality
    Second-Congrats to all. Great event
    Third-Karma is a b@&ch HoneyDo. Congrats to you and Upchuck for the extra miles

  5. Well done guys! That was an outstanding Backblast UpChuck, Congrats to all on completion!

  6. Thanks for the kind words, guys. I was able to have a good run due to the guys that regularly push me during the week, and on Sundays.

    That being said, I am so proud of my boy TYA for going beyond his comfort zone and becoming an ultra runner. Also, to Saab for sticking with him and forcing food down his throat. Saab, you are a good man.

    Sorry to not be able to hang out, really feel like I missed out on that. Thanks again to flashdance for opening up your house to us.

    Solid recap, Upchuck!

  7. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Flashdance, thanks! Staying 15 minutes away from the start was outstanding!

    Congrats to all. Everyone rocked it.

    Too much fun for one day.

  8. RESPECT to all of you Bel Monte slayers. Well done men. Way to may F3 RVA proud – we had not doubt that you would.

    Great BB Upchuck.