Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Gumbo Week – Part DEUX — Adding the Spices – Nicole Style


9 stalwarts, including a NoToll reunion for Swirly, broke the hold of fartsack and posted at NoToll for a beautiful Tuesday morning with a bit of a deceptive chill in the air.  Gumbo planted the flag, pronounced this his 365th day with F3 and off we moseyed to tackle the day:

Mosey to the back parking lot for COP, all IC including:

  • SSHs x25
  • DQ x10
  • Copperhead Squats x12
  • Arm Circles x10 small and x5 big – forward and backwards
  • LBCx x25
  • Merkins x10

Mosey to the pavilion for the main event — The Nicole as a reprise of YHC’s first ever F3 workout.  Put 20 minutes on the clock and begin with 1 lap around the field, then Derkins, 1 lap, then Dips, 1 lap, then Ball Dippers, repeat until the buzzer sounds.  Instead of doing the exercises AMRAP today, YHC wanted to keep everybody moving and PAX members were encouraged to pick a goal of 20-25 reps for each exercise and see how many laps they could complete.

Plank-o-rama for the six, then mosey to the basketball courts for Triple Check – 3 rounds of box cutters, jump squats and bear crawl to half-court and back.

Circle up for Ring of Fire – PAX began in Touchdown Al Gore and each dropped for 10 merkins then held plank until the rotation came around again, then 10 more merkins and return to Al Gore.

Mosey back to the flag for COT, number-rama, name-a-rama and YHC took us out.

Announcements –

  • HDHH at Casa de Splinter – fill out the RSVP spreadsheet and figure out directions but keep it on the DL.
  • May 19 – Fore the Cause golf tournament for Galactosemia Foundation — see Wilson


So, we build the roux yesterday at River Run with the suck, so it was time to add some spices to the Gumbo in day two of Gumbo-Week.  Nicole was just the spice we needed.  YHC has been waiting to rekindle Nicole from his first workout.  Even though Rosie was on a plane to the DR for some QT with M, his presence was felt in the form of one of his fickle mistresses.

It was great to see the Swirly-mobile and know the AO was secure when YHC pulled into NoToll.  Way to be smart but still push it today Swirly.

HoneyDo ate his Wheaties this morning.  This man was on a mission to destroy Nicole and he did.  Way to roll HD.

Strong work men.  It was a pleasure to lead.

No more Gumbo for you…until tomorrow!


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great Q Gumbo, and Happy Anniversary to you my friend! I remember ole Nicole – never liked her much ..
    Honeydo crushed it today – well done dude… Singer and Wilson were All Stars on the ring of fire – love it !
    DK was sweating like it was 100 degrees out there this morning – impressive dude .. Running on one leg sucks..
    See y’all in the gloom..

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Also – no head butt merkins for Flashdance during ring of fire – corporate see’s you baby !!

  3. Right on…lots of good form merkins and extra credit claps and legs in the air during the ROF. STRONG!

  4. Nicole needs a watch………longest 20 minutes of my life. LOL What a great way to start the day! Can’t wait till tomorrow – Gumbo at SOT!

  5. We’ll add in the vegetables tomorrow…meat on Thursday at the Circus and then the Gumbo feast is ready to serve on Friday at the Creek!

  6. Honey Do RVA on

    Great to meet the infamous Carmen Sandiego. Nice Q Gumbo, now put Nicole away for another year.

  7. Happy anniversary Q, Its great that you are with us. I always enjoy a Gumbo beat down!!!
    Major shout out for a whole week of Qin Take care brother man!!