Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Second Q, but looked like his first.


7 enthusiastic souls posted on a somewhat brisk day at the Punisher.  Here’s what went down:

COP: 25 SSH; 15 Don Quixotes (these were supposed to be Saab style – my fault for going too fast); arm circles -10 small, 5 big, reverso, 15 American hammers; 20 APDs and 35 LBCs.

Mosey to the basketball court for 3 rounds of suicide doublers.  Reps of 1-2-4-8-16 while running suicides with the following exercises: burpees, jump squats and merkins.

Then mosey to the side of the school where we partnered up and took turns running the lap while your partner did 100 reps of the following exercises: copperhead squats (not cobras – thanks Toga), flutter kicks, WWII sit ups and dips.

Next to the school wall for alternating chair sits and balls to the wall.

Followed by some quick sprints on the bus loop, 50/75/100%.

Then back to the flag for rings of fire with merkins and burpees followed by 30 LBCs.  At the COT, I concluded with some inspirational words from the great orator, Sir Winston Churchill.


This was my second Q, though it could easily have been mistaken for my first.  Thanks for putting up with me boys.  Counting off during the exercises is still a work in progress.


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  1. How much fun is a Q where everything goes the same way and exactly as planned? Those don’t make for good backblasts either. The wrong turns and missteps are much more entertaining. Great job today, and thanks for leading!

  2. Your DQ pace sounds how I use to do them before being introduced to “Swirly Style”…Regret having to miss but thanks for stepping up so quickly and leading.

    Missteps teach one how to improvise…which would describe many of my nonsense workouts.

  3. I think Fudd cursed the AO when he wrote that Punisher Q’s tend to have a case of the Mondays.

  4. Thanks for leading today Ronnie. It was refreshing to hear someone who isn’t a veteran Q. Made for some laughs that we wouldn’t have otherwise had. Loved the substitution of “return” for “recover”. Reminds of something Offshore might say.

  5. Ronnie plays a role in camping sites for our Cub Scouts. It’s good to be nice to those people.

  6. BT (Big Tennessee) on

    If it weren’t for Swirly/Saab-style Abe Vigodas, I would get no exercise on vacation. Well done boys, looking forward to getting back in the mix.