12 steadfast and determined studs plus 2 mall walkers converged upon Mary Munford for a Thursday beatdown. EF planted the flag. Here’s how it went down.
Mosey to the far side of the school
- SSHs
- DQs
- IWs
- Arm Circles
- LBCs
- Mountain Climbers
Mosey to wall of school
- 5 minute Peoples Chair – pass KB, lift right foot, lift left foot
- Modified Curb Crawl – Bear Crawl to Merkins/ Crawl Bear to Donkey Kicks 10, 9, 8….
Mosey to soccer field
- Burpee Ladder- Run across field 10 burpees, run back 9 burpees, run 8…
Mosey to parallel bars
- Partner Jerkins x 10/ Dips x 20 – repeato 3 sets
- Ring of Fire
- PAX choice Mary (American Hammers, Dollys, APDs, Freddie Mercurys)
Native American mosey back to shovel flag
Better to remain silent and thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt – Not TYA
The morning started with YHC being called a hippie MFer and ended with jokes about YHC having used his whole allotment of words for the day. True fact, YHC is indeed no Lab Rat. At 5:30, pre-coffee, YHC just prefers to STFU and work out. YHC was determined to make SAAB sling a KB. Unfortunately SAAB remained on special assignment. Perhaps he was off observing Circus for Corporate. Watch out, once you catch the fever the only prescription is more kettle bell. Just don’t post at MANNDate, might catch something else. Mumble chatter was high through the 5 minutes of Peoples Chair, but died off quickly during the MCC. YHC is pretty certain someone else called him a MFer during the Burpee Ladder. Hardywood and Rosie were their usual selves dominating the burpees. Apparently, after last night 2-Can’s name should be changed to 6-Can, or would it be Six-can? Loose Goose may need to brush up on his Exicon. Splinter’s happy hour sign-up form confuses those who were born during the great depression. Great to have some of the newbies out.
Numberama, Nameorama, COT
Lunch – Downtown (Wong Gonzalez) West End (Whole Foods) Southside (McDonalds)
Beer – See Splinter
Golf – See Wilson
Run – See TYA/Swirly/Toga
Beer, Golf, and Run at the same time – See TYA and Swirly
EF Hutton has spoken.
Indeed, Loose Goose does need to brush up on his Lexicon… and nice Southside/McDonalds jab!
Can someone post the link to the monthly challenge spreadsheet and the happy hour signup?
Finally, check out this bad@$$: http://mashable.com/2017/03/01/90-year-old-24-pullups/#e6U2CTmCXkq4
Mr Hutton’s backblasts are a bit like Honey Do’s Qs. You get a whole different perspective of what’s happening in their noggins. Well done!
Wow – that guy is a beast. Respect!
Monthly challenge link
Saab’s kettle-bell early warning system was on full alert this am so he planted his proverbial flag elsewhere – inquiring minds shall not know.
Nice to see Southside has finally obtained a higher-end dining option.
Good BB – EF Hutton – but it was cone of silence dude – cone of silence…..
Thanks again to TYA for partnering up with me today- freaken painful to watch from the sidelines but we should be back in the game soon !! Way to work today fella’s – looked like a solid beatdown.
See y’all in the gloom..
It’s a code, very nice Q, EF.
Strong Q, strong backblast. Which McDonalds on the southside, there are so many over here now.
The Backblast is the window to the Q’s soul…
Nice BB EF Hutton!
Super Q EF. Well done all the way around. Great touch on the extended peoples chair and always a blast to see a good turnout at 45MM.
thanks Hardywood for doubling back and finishing the Burpee Ladder with me. That’s good F3 brotherhood support!
Great Q and even better BB. Nice work Hutton.
HH info:
You all need to work out more and reply to BBs less. Holy Batman and Replies.
Nice Q, Mr. Hutton. Top shelf BB.
That was no typo, Exicon is actually a term in the Lexicon.