Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Hot Potato Q at Gridiron


Five of the faithful and two Kotters posted on a glorious pre-spring morning at Gridiron. Johnsonville took the Q as leadoff hitter, and this is how that went down (more or less):


Warmup with ssh, merkins, imperial walkers, and LBCs

Mosey up to track.

10 burpee broad jumps along track. Hillbillies in cadence
10 burpee broad jumps along track. don quiote in cadence
10 burpee broad jumps along track. 25x pole smokers
10 burpee broad jumps along track. Run 1/4 mile around track OYO.
10 burpee broad jumps along track. arm circles in cadence

Next in the Q batting order was Chum Bucket. He had us Mosey to intersection of bus drive and main road.

Line up on sidewalk square. Do 10 box cutters OYO. Move to next available sidewalk square. Do 10 flutter kicks OYO. Move to next available sidewalk square. Do 10 squats OYO. Move to next available sidewalk square. Repeat.

When PAX reached the soccer field, Q called audible change in exercises. Alabama prom dates, Carolina Drydocks, American hammers. Keep moving along sidewalk to front of school.

White Deer was day’s final Q. He had us mosey back to parking lot near VSF. Grab kettlebell for ~20 min pure kettlebell routine, including, canoe/boats, squat presses, situp presses, lawnmower starts (aka crabpot pulls), halos, figure-eights, kettlebell passes in circle.

COT / Coffeeteria


We were glad to have Tricycle back. He had set expectations very low the prior week, so when he showed up, it was a pleasant surprise. Speaking of surprises, Attila reappeared after months of basking in fartsack glory. As expected, WhiteDeer layed into him verbally until about 15 min. into the thang (when WhiteDeer got too fatigued to keep up the barrage).

The even-bigger surprise was Jeter’s reappearance. Jeter had not posted for about 20 months. Jeter inquired about weekday workouts in the west end. We directed him to CM, but also offered to help support another weekday workout in the west end if he could gather some numbers.

Thank you for giving me a chance to lead. Jville


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1 Comment

  1. Nice work guys – sorry to have missed this while away enjoying Motown Spring Training. Good to know we have two dentists on hand now!