The bus left early from Mechanicsville to come see how the other half lives. Instructions were to bring your own beverages, and to keep extremities inside the vehicle at all times. Hopes were high that the Southside Natives would be active this morning, and they did not disappoint. After the smoke cleared, a Pax 20 strong emerged as a single unified front. We worked out:
- parking lot tracers
- Invisible jump ropes (Double Dutch optional)
- arm circles
- 11’s with incline APD’s and 4-count Freddie Mercury
- Quarter Pounder:
- Run to 25 for 25 merkins, run backwards to start.
- Run to 50 for 50 squats, run backwards to start.
- Run to 75 for 75 2 count mountain climbers, run backwards to start.
- Run to 100 for 100 SSH’s, run backwards to start.
- 4 Corners….ascending:
- 10 WW2 Situps, 10 2 count flutter kicks
- 20 WW2 Situps, 20 2 count flutter kicks
- 30 WW2 Situps, 30 2 count flutter kicks
- 40 WW2 Situps, 40 2 count flutter kicks
- Mary
- LBC’s
- 10 burpees OYO
My apologies in advance, because this morning was awesome and some funny stuff happened. But alas, some crazy stuff is going on at work today that has really held the construction of this BB. So, I will note a couple things from this morning, then everybody can fill the other stuff I missed in the comments section….kinda like a “choose your own adventure” book.
-Toga tried to kick it up with the How many guys from the village does it take to Q? Unfortunately, his bailing on the Q yesterday took the bite out of it.
-Hardywood was working on seeing how he would look in a kilt. If anyone could pull it off, it’s him…..but no.
-Awesome effort today from Viral. I’d share a park bench with you any day.
-Phonics put in 6 workouts in a row….not one of them was in Mechanicsville. A bit of a tour of the city week for him.
-Honeymoon wore a poofy jacket. He looked warm.
Thanks for having us, No Toll. Great to see some guys that we dont run into on the regular any more.
Lab Rat (and Circle K) out.
Thanks for trekking across town to take the lead this morning. Those were the fastest 40-count Freddie Mercuries I’ve ever seen…
Nice work on the tag team!!
Great Q fellas and thanks for burning the gas and running the tolls to make the trip southward. Now I know what Lab Rat has been collecting money for.
Lots of abs and running today…can’t believe Honeymoon didn’t shed the State Puff jacket after the 11s or the Quarter Pounder.
The SOUTHSIDERS will have to return the favor and bring DogTown to the Village…jorts mandatory!
Hells to the yeah on the trip to the Village!
Lab Rat and Circle K thanks for leading a fun and fast paced beatdown.
It’s always nice to have new but familiar faces at workouts. It speaks to the strong camaraderie that exists within F3 and it’s part of why this has become such an important aspect of my life.
Great job to all and props to Phonics for putting together a strong streak.
Til next time.
Great fun having some Lab Rat style chatter at NoToll. The quarter pounder is one of my new favorites, thanks for the reminder Circle K. Count me in on returning the favor in DaVille.
Nice work Phonics, we’ll for you again when you EH your family moving to the southside.
All those clown cars with Wilson must be rubbing off on Honeymoon adding extra unnecessary layers. Hopefully he can return the favor and lend Wilson some short sleeves this summer.
Glad to have you Davillians make the drive guys. But c’Mon you know you miss NoToll – accurate counting PAX and more than 1 comment in the backblast
I signed up for the Creek Q on March 10. If I leave tonight, I should be there in time.
Wow great beatdown!! Not sure where that came from haven’t had anything like that on the north end of town. Maybe La Brat will have something like for DaVille next week!
Remember your passport!
I am proud of Honeymoon for ensuring he is warm during the workout. The temp is usually the first comment in the car. Wilson’s goal is to get him in long sleeves year round!
Nice to see Lab Rat & Circle K making the trip to the south sideeeeee! Nice beat down. Even if I got really messed up on the 4 count Freddy Mercury’s!
Yup, behind on the backblast post!
Honeymoon-jacket was hilarious and yes, your clown car friend is rubbing off.
Nice to see Lab Rat, Circle K, and Phonics on The Southside-they must have received the invitation! Great beatdown and 20 strong with PAX!!
Have to check schedule for Gumbo’s Q on the 10th!
See you gents at the gloom!
2 comments on the 4-count freddies?!? And I thought DaVille had the patent on questionable counting……
1 2 3 1
1 2 3 2
1 2 3 3 and so on….
Thanks for a great workout Lab Rat & Circle K!
A couple of comments.
1) I’ve never done a parking lot tracer so was glad to get my first taste of them. I heard them talked about on the pod and I had no idea what that was. Thank you!
2) Glad that the counting style was not imposed on us “these side straddle hops go to eleven” south siders.
3) On sharing a park bench with Lab Rat. Which one of us was chatting and holding a box of CHOK-A-LUTS waiting for the Number Five Bus? Wait a minute don’t answer that …
4) So honored that DaVillers would wake up CSAUP early to come across town when there is a perfectly good AO so close to their fartsack. I need to return the favor when I get back from my travels.