9 DaVille Faithful showing up on this lovely sunny and 70 (27 and cloudy so close enough) Valentine’s Day for a personal beatdown they requested (they just didn’t know it).
This is how it went down:
Mosey to the track next to Cool Spring ES
YHC made a declaimer that all exercises today will be ones that the PAX requested on FB earlier this week.
-SSH IC x 25 (would have been 100 if The Carpenter had posted)
-Copperhead Squats IC x 20
-Crab Cakes IC x 15
-Merkins IC x10
-Arm Circles IC x10 small x5 big reverso
Mosey to the pull up bars
Burp Up Special: Pax split into two group first group completed Burp ups x2 and second group completed x10 dips. Groups switch then rinsed and repeated with Burp ups x4, x6 and Dips x15, x20
Mosey to the bus loop
Descending curb crawl: Bear crawl between curbs perform 6 merkins, bear crawl back 5 merkins. Repeato until perform 1 merkin.
Mosey to basketball court
Burpee Suicides: Suicides but completing one burpee at foul line, 2 burpees at half court, 3 at foul line, and finally 4 endline
Mosey to the wall
Triple Check: In teams of three; One member completes donkey kicks, second member bear crawls to three member (about 100 ft) who completes Burpees. Counties until 3 sets are completed
Touch a tree: In teams of two; one member completes Balls to the wall while second member touches 5 trees. Switch then repeat with touching 10 trees
Mosey to front of the school
Tunnel of Love: While Pax plank side by side, one by one someone crawls under the tunnel of planking pax. Repeato until the Pax reaches the the shovel flag
YHC took us out
As YHC noted at the beginning since today was V-Day it was only fitting to share some love with the PAX. YHC posted on The F3 Mechanicsville FB Messager asking for the PAX to give their 3 favorite types of exercises (and by favorite YHC means the ones that the hardest for you). Here were the answers:
-Running (PAX ran about 1.75 miles)
-Burpees (completed about 50 to 75)
-Pull Ups (completed 12)
-Bear Crawls (completed this twice)
-Donkey Kicks (check)
-Balls to the wall (check)
-100 SSH (Carpenter couldn’t make it so this became 25)
Other exercises were added to fill in the gaps
Mumble Chatter was centered around LabRat complaining he didn’t bring warm enough gloves and the kettle bell workout tomorrow.
Shout out to Putt-Putt for posting consistently posting twice a week and pushing through this workout.
-Mechanicsville New Kettle Bell AO begins tomorrow at Washington/Henry ES. See LabRat if you need a kettle bell
– LabRat is taking donations for a homeless shelter kitchen dinner next week that a member of his church is leading
Great humbling workout this morning. Some days feel like it’s my first time. Not in a good way. 🙂
Love your tag line, bro! Hope to see you tomorrow!
Great job fellas!! Glad to give you what you ask for today!
Spit, excellent theme, and by excellent, I mean Paunful! Mr La Brat picked up a few Kettle bells to ensure the excellence continues tomorrow
As mentioned, Bleeder is getting rid of his kettlebell collection, which I will have tomorrow at Washington Henry.
What he failed to mention is that any proceeds from sales of said kettlebells will go towards the homeless shelter kitchen meals. A mighty kind gesture, Mr. Bleeder.
Also, great job today Spit! Sorry to whine about my fragile digits so much.
So you are planning to come tomorrow now?
I read Bleeder’s earlier comment and was confused by his reference to “Mr La Brat”, which must be a French translation of Bratwurst. But now I understand that you must be multi-lingual or at least muddled-lingual.
Lab Rat – can you get me all the info for the new workout? I’ll add to the app. You may also want to provide to DK so it can be added to the website.
Great workout today, Spit. I learned that Opus can seriously knock out some donkey kicks. Holy smoke! Good work by all.
The fast is over… See you at the Gloom! Bleeder, these workouts are in Mechanicsville – that is just north of town, but before Kings Dominion.
Abacus, the proper directions are travel 14miles, my apologies, I forgot the counting procedures at DaVille, travel 10 miles, than another 4….
Ah yes… It is good to have a firm method of counting that others appreciate. For me, it affords me the opportunity to take my mind off of the pain and concentrate on the 10 we are in. BTW, I am glad someone mentioned that DaVille has some ready and able rumble participants. (Lab Rat doesn’t count, he post more in the South then in the DaVille…)
Wish I could have been there!