Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A new Hate Hill


A breezy sunny and 70 morning greeted 8 redwoods at RiverRun.  A couple RR newbies joined the veterans for a little off campus jaunt.

A lap around the parking lot to pick up LIFO newbie Flipper.

Warm up

SSHx25, Hillbillies x20 (as always with optional Jville hop), Merkin x10, Flutter Kicks x20

Mosey down the sidewalk, across Robious Road to Twin Team for some Hate Hill.  Partner up,  Alternate running to the glowstick and traveling up the hill with broad jump burpees, lunges and polar bears.

Pause for some Mary – LBCs, Dollies, APD

Love Hill going down.   Russian Soldiers,  Crawl bear, duck walk.  Plankarama.

Up to the top of the hill, just to show the PAX how fun (hateful) the entire Twin Team hill can be.  More Mary-  Freddie Mercuries, Rosalitas.  Back to the start for a double ring of fire with merkins and 6 inch hold with leg raises.

Numberama, Namearama YHC took us out.


Glad to see Flipper make it out to the closest AO to his Goochland abode, apparently last time he fartsacked on a Monday he could faintly hear the cadence across the river and decided to try it out. Slurpee was another first timer at RR, haven’t seen him in a while, good to see him make out out again.

Honeydo’s presence was felt when YHC broke out the glowsticks as the turnaround points on Hate Hill.  Leftover from Halloween, they were found in a closet this weekend and were calling out to be used for a Q.  Honeymoon, as expected given his F3 name, has some big plans for Valentine’s Day so we worked in some APDs as prep work for tomorrow.

This was one of those beatdowns that worked to the Q’s strength.  YHC is of the opinion that hills are fun for everyone, but am not sure all of the PAX share that perspective.  They are especially useful when at least one of the PAX needs to work on them for an upcoming race.  That hill is no joke and everyone powered through it multiple times up and down today.  Oyster is working on getting his legs back, pushing hard like he did today will speed that up.  Maybe next time YHC has the Q we’ll do some ground and pound, or maybe not.  That’s the beauty of just showing up and following the Q.


HDHH – Ardent, Wednesday 5:30

Running events:  Belmonte – TYA, Smoky Mountain – Swirly, Ragnar – Toga

Golf Tournaments: See Fudd and Wilson, more info from them soon.


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  1. HATE that Hill for sure. Just a reminder of the many hills of various lengths and incline surrounding River Run that will help keep the PAX guessing at this AO. Great call today Rosie. Maybe soon, I’ll take the PAX on the River Run Roller Coaster and we can spot Flipper’s house from the top of Queens Grant Hill.

    Great to have Slurpee and Flipper join us today. Come back soon fellas. No better way to start a week.

    P.S. The combination of Flipper and McRib is lethal on the bear crawls. I’d like to see a team relay race between Flipper/McRib and Bleeder/HoneyDo…

  2. Nice job today Rosie. I am liking the excursion themes that took place at Dogpile and today. Hate hill was tough as the name speaks for itself. I am glad I was able to partner with Flipper so that we could leverage our strengths in crawling over our weaknesses in running.

    It was good to have Slurpee and Flipdog over to River Run. Hope to see you guys back soon.

    Also, as much as I hated Hate Hill…it did shield us from the windy conditions which were brutal for COP and Mary.

    Lots of fun this AM. Thanks Rosie! Great job fellas.


  3. Great Q Rosie, legs are definitely feeling it! Great AO fellas, enjoyed it and look forward to coming back!