Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

He’s a Mudder. His Mother was a Mudder. His Father was a Mudder.


It was a Saab Q, but as he is penning the Epic Poem of the F3 Richmond CSAUP from yesterday, Up Chuck is ghost writing this one.

3 Pax sallied forth for a drizzled Sunday, Muddy Sunday run.  Conditions were, one might say, muddy.  After the obligatory discussion in the parking lot of options…out-and-back vs. loop, more gear vs. less gear, muddy trail vs. hard asphalt, here’s how it went down:

The Thang:

Saab led us on a warm-up run southbound on Nichol Bridge followed thereafter by a retracing of our steps (more to follow on this).  The PAX chose to continue on the North Side Trail towards downtown.  The PAX split at the parking lot above Texas Beach into Short Run and Long Run.  Short Run was an out and back to that point with the Long Run continuing on the NST (or, given the conditions, perhaps IN the NST is a better description) to Belvedere.  YHC and Saab continued on terra firma through Oregon Hill on Pine, Holly, China, Cherry, etc. until reaching Idlewood, which the PAX then generally followed back to Fountain Lake, Trafford Rd. (abutting the VITA Trail), Boulevard, and down Love Hill to the parking lot.  In total, YHC estimates Long (ish?) Run in the neighborhood of 6-7 miles.


Hats off to Two Can and Saab for joining YHC today.  After bailing out early yesterday in order to fulfill coaching duties, YHC went to bed Saturday feeling that he left too much energy on the table at the CSAUP.  All F3 Richmond PAX can relate to the spiritual crash the day after a Swirly Q (“I NEED more upper body!  How can I get more upper body?”), but rather than try to get even more jacked, YHC decided to hit the trails. Muddy Sunday ensued.  Skies were grey and cloudy and dark and grey, so absent Two Can and Saab, YHC could easily have listened to a few more Podcasts in the car and bagged it.  But, the sight of a couple PAX was all the push YHC needed.  Thanks, fellas.

Saab led us on the Nichol Bridge in strong fashion.  Starting up the south side incline, Saab experienced the bane of all distance runners: the uncertainty that comes with the nagging question,”Did I lock my car?”  While Saab was reluctant to delay the PAX, F3 is about team work.  YHC explained that Saab had two options: 1) return his car, with all PAX accompanying him, in order to verify the security of his car, wallet, and phone, or 2) continue on the run knowing that Saab would be dogged throughout the run by two things: a) the nagging thought that he had not locked his car, and all his important physical possessions would be stolen, and b) YHC continuously mentioning the nagging thought that Saab had not locked his car, likely resulting in all his important physical possessions being stolen. YHC believes that Saab silently considered, “If ‘defenestra’ is the Latin root for throwing someone out a window, what is the Latin verb that means “to vomit (or,’to Up Chuck,’) off the Nichol Bridge?”

The Saab Mobile secured, the PAX hit the NST, which proved a little more Slip Slidin’ Away than Simon and Garfunkel could have imagined. Mumblechatter ensued.  Thus, after the one-way trip down NST, the PAX thought better of Buttermilk and the Loop, opting for the hard roads home.

Today was a spur of the moment run for Two Can.  Props for pounding through on a sloppy Sunday.  Quite a mudder.  YHC is looking forward to hitting the trails with Two Can on a drier day…dry trails = happy trails.

Thanks to Saab for pushing me.  Even though our total was only 6 or 7 miles, it’s nice to be at a spot where 6-7 miles feels like a short run.

As someone has to abide at the end of every Saab Q, Up Chuck abides.


BRR sign up underway.  September 7-9.  Get out there.



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  1. Thanks for the run UpChuck…I enjoyed the conversation and appreciate your flexibility. Yes, running on the trails was a mistake on my part…chalk it off to optimism.