Three of the Faithful rolled into the Godwin parking lot early and eager for the Drum Beat of the CM. The Gloom was a forced imagination; the sky was brilliantly illuminated with the Luna Plena and the air comfortably crisp.
After a jaunt around the school via the Appian Way the Pax engaged in a quick warmup of DQs, IWs, and SSHs followed by a Kettle Bell version of:
COT: Windmills, Squat and High Pulls, Goblet Squats, Goblet Alternating Leg Lunges, 2-hand Swings, R Rack and Presses, L Rack and Presses, Goblet alternating side Presses, R Snatches, L Snatches, Halos, Pull-overs and Presses, Alternating Single Leg V Ups, and APDs, all IC with a few exceptions. Rinse and repeat in reverse order. Four Minutes of Atlas consisting of Tricep Presses Tibata style.
Counterama and Namerama
Announcements: 2.0 Friendly GridIron on December 24 – J’Ville has the Q; Attila has the Q for this Saturday’s edition of GridIron.
Take out prayer by YHC – the Great Gift.
Moleskin: Blocking and Tackling day at CM this morning – most moves performed at a deliberate pace to strengthen form. Surprising amount of fatigue, especially following the Atlas.
And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.
John 1:5 (NKJV)