Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pre-Pre-Blast: Frozen Triangle CSAUP


Men, Richmond F3’s first exclusive CSAUP event will be held on Saturday, January 21st.  Are you ready?

Consider the following completely stupid and utterly pointless facts:

  1. It will be cold: On average, mid-January is the coldest time of the year in Richmond.
  2. It will be long: Our longest weekly workouts are 1 hour. This will be 3.
  3. There will be some running:  9-10 miles not including the workouts.  Sippy Cup approved!
  4. This is not for team soccer arms: Swirly is Q’ing part of the workout.
  5. Suicides are on the menu:  Specifically prepared by Circle K.

Men ready to step up to the challenge will meet at Dogpile in the gloom at 6 am.  More details to follow!


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  1. Gnarly Goat mentioned that they have “support” for these types of things. Who will be providing drinks and snacks along the way?

  2. Sign me up to be a running buddy for Chum or Circle K, can’t have them getting lost doing 10 miles again…

  3. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Come on out guys – 3 hr workout 9-10 miles of running some bootcamp mixed in – cookout afterwords – it’s a beautiful day… Lot’s of ways to participate if your not into tackling this whole thing.. You can meet the pax along the route at a certain AO – you can man the water station or help with preparing food/drinks/fire for the cookout at the end. So join us for our first CSAUP!See Sippy Cup, Circle K or Swirly with any questions..