Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Flatline Comes Alive at NoToll


On behalf of Flatline….

Foggy morning for the 12 men at No Toll, and Flatline has the VQ

 1 warm up lap around fields with a little stage fright to start but work out commenced:

  • SSHx 30,
  • Imperial Walkers X 25,
  • Don Quixote X 20,
  • Arm Circles-Forward X 15, Backwards X 15,
  • Merkins X 10.

 On to the Pavilion for Evolution 1:

Partner up – Partner 1 bear crawl across the field, Partner 2 complete 20 LBC then sprint to catch Partner 1 and flapjack.  Continue across field and back

Round 2 with your partner same drill but with 10 Burpees and Crab Walks.

 To the bleachers for Evolution 2:

Partner up for 3 sets of run and exercise:

  • Partner 1 perform Dips AMRAP while Partner 2 runs across the field and back – flapjack.
  • Same – with Imperial Walkers as the exercise
  • Same – with Merkins as the exercise 

Mosey to the basketball court for Evolution 3:

Partner up-Suicides:

  • Round 1 – partner squats while partner runs traditional suicides, switch
  • Round 2 – Merkins and Side to side suicides
  • Round 3 – Backward suicides and APDs

 Ring of Fire-Diamond merkins x10 and with 2 minutes left…. X 20 LBC, X 10  Burpees.


Thank you for following my Q! Awesome way to start my Tuesday mornings!!

God Bless-Flatline



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  1. Nice work Flatline – way to step out front and shake off stage-fright. Nice VQ – keep getting out there, it gets easier. And, those crab walks are still hurting me.

    Nice to have the plush, wet fields of NoToll back…all seems right in the world.

  2. Nice VQ Flatline! You quelled all the giggles from the COP quickly with the bear crawl and crab walk combo.
    PAX take note- Mr Roper can flat out fly on bear crawls.

  3. Great VQ Flatline. Counting is hard and takes some getting used to, just ask Lockjaw, the good thing is you only have to count to 3. Thanks to Mr. Roper for shortening my bear crawl legs.

  4. Solid work Flatline! My favorite part was everyone joking about the swamp that can be NoToll, explaining exactly where it gets the swampiest, and then running right over there.

    @Honey Do: Yes, everyone shut-up as soon as soon as he said “bear crawl across the field and back.” Stunned disbelief. Special thanks to Viral for getting that clarified.

  5. Great VQ Flatline. That was one heck of a beatdown. I echo the sentiments of my partner Gumbo on the crab walks. Those are definitely my weakness and thanks for reminding me of that this AM.

    I also am chuckling thinking of the warp speed don quixotes we did in the COP. The call outs for the paddles to revive the flatlined pax were quickly and swiftly silenced by the thought of a 100 yd bear crawl through the swampy fields of no toll.

    Great job on taking the lead today and I hope to participate in another Flatline Q soon.

  6. The “bear crawl across the field” comment did seem to silence No Toll, but crab crawl may be my signature move! Memorable morning No Toll!

  7. Sorry for being late to your Q, I still felt the pain today. Great q we were all over the place!! Thanks brother of the gloom!!!