Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Boo-Ya Warriors


“Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do.” – John Wooden

24 brave warriors greeted the day at 45 Minutes of Mary.  Success was there for the willing and resilient.

COP – 20 X SSH, Imperial Walker, LBC, Freddie Mercury, X 10 Merkin

8 Is Enough – Dividing into two groups each member of the respective team was to complete 8 Stuart Scott (or Boo Ya) Merkins with each member of his team.

Ladder – At each stage complete the following Freddie Mercury, Pube Puffer (or as the prudes call it Split Jacks), Merkins. Start with 5 at the first ladder, 10 the next ladder, etc. to 25.

Jacobs Ladder – On the soccer field start with 1 WWII sit up at the goal line, run to the center line and complete 1 burpee.  Run to the next goal line and complete 2 WWII sit ups.  Run back to the center and complete 2 burpees.  Etc. to 11 burpees.

2 rounds of Polar Bears.  One to midfield, recover and back to the start.

Mosey back to the flag, COT, numberama, namerama, Marv took us out

Moleskin – TWENTY FOUR MEN! Absolutely outstanding. YHC is pleased with the turn out and honored to be associated with this group of men. We got in a ton of work this morning and it was a beast. Boo-ya merkins are no joke, and YHC thought surely the pax would all be spent.  Only to find Swirly pounding out more merkins.  YHC has it on good info that he is training for the apocolypse or a prize fight. Details to follow.

YHC may be guilty of overnaming. Unfamiliar with the term Split Jacks, Pube Puffer (which is way funnier) was a created term that is juvenile and technically correct.  It will be relegated to the naming bench until further notice.

News – Humpday Happy Hour next Wednesday at The Yankee Aggressor’s Southside Chateau in beautiful Bon Air. This is not a time share opportunity. Please see backblast for details.  http://f3nation.com/2016/11/07/hdhh-wednesday-november-16/

F3 Hampton Roads is in full effect.  Richmond will be leading workouts through the first weekend of December.  The next clown car headed down from Richmond is 11/19.

Shirts are available in the F3 Mudgear Store.  Do not give any to Bleeder. http://f3.mudgear.com/collections/va-richmond

The most valuable tools we have in our arsenal are eye contact, a firm hand shake and being the best versions of ourselves. It can seem inconsequential to say a name and nickname while looking at the ground. But inconsequential actions can become habits. There is a feeling of ownership when you have to say who you are while looking another person in the eyes.  If you can own it, you can share it.

Be super.



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  1. Gents, you absolutely crushed it. This was a full plate of workouts this morning. I’m damn proud of the work we do. Go out and crush it today.

  2. Dang dude, you are intense! Loved the eye contact thing (did not love the polar bears). I can learn much from you, sinsei.

    Lab Grasshopper

  3. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Great Q hardywood. Pube puffer is much better than seal jacks… let’s roll with it, juvenile is good. Swirly is training for something. Dude is obsessed, don’t ever give that man a goal unless you want it crushed.

    Saab thanks you for not doing don quixotes today. He has a hard time remaining upright while performing them. Life with “respect” ain’t easy.

    If you missed the honey do conversation about kidney stones, you missed a good one. Beware of flying stones, they might injure someone.

  4. Strong strong Q today Hardywood. Way to keep us moving. I love the eye contact thing as well. We are all pushing ourselves and each other to be better men every day. We should each be proud of that and own it with confidence. Amen, brother!

    I believe Swirly is aiming to complete his 5,000 merkins by the end of the week. Your consistency is inspiring man. Way to push yourself.

    Great to meet Honeymoon today who is relocating to RVA from Mooresville, NC. Look forward to having you in the PAX and hope to see you out at the Southside AOs (River Run, NoToll and SOT).

    Strong work today men!

  5. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Excellent BB and Q Hardywood!
    Love the John Wooden quote….I love that we all push ourselves each and every morning Thanks for the encouragement guy’s it’s an incredible motivator…
    Just remember this :
    Philosophy drives Attitude
    Attitude drives Actions
    Actions drive Results
    Results drive lifestyles ….

  6. Awesome Q Hardwood. My pubes were sufficiently puffed. Regarding the Boo Ya Merkins,Saab doesn’t care much for exercises that demand any sort of coordination, as BT would attest (and TYA already did).

    Regarding HDHH, here’s a link to the site. Best bring your lawn care equipment. I surmise there isn’t really a house there yet and TYA is just looking assistance in clearing the lot.


  7. LOL

    I am picking up my daughter today. As an independent observer I will send a picture to you to prove there’s a house there Saab! 🙂

  8. The bar/restaurant plans would be awesome on that corner, what time does construction start?

    Great.Q Hardywood!

  9. Now that is a Success Habit! Great Q Hardywood..My merkin(not the pushup kind) is pleasantly puffed now. That one seemed like an hour, gotta get your head right for burpees. I like quotes from great coaches like Wooden….Eye always look eye… Mr. Miyagi

  10. Love the Miyagi quote!

    Also, Hardywood’s meatball sub at lunch was labeled a “success habit”. I dont know how much weight that phrase will carry in the near future. Was a good lookin’ sammich though.

    Glad to hear “merkin” used in a traditional sense, that’s just good reading.

  11. Y’all are a bunch of motivators and dedicators!! Great Q Hardywood, love seeing such big pax today.