Saturday, September 7
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Polls open in 3…2…1…


17 Faithful and 1 FNG came out to the polls of Dville on this chilly election morning.

Shovel Flag was planted by Circle K and Pax Mosey to basketball court for the COP:


Election Style COP

SSH x 50 IC

Don Quixote x 25 IC

Squats x 25 IC

LBC x 25 IC

Dolly x 25 IC

Dying Cockroach x20 IC

Arm Circles x10 small x 5 big reverso IC

Merkins x 45


Four Corners (Election Style – Battle ground states)

PA  – American Hammers (2 count) x 25

Ohio – Mtn Climbers (2 count) x 25

FL – Alabama Prom Date x 25

VA – Merkins x 50

Michigan – Burpees x10

Repeat Exercise


“Poll” Smokers

Pole Smokers with each PAX member doing 10 Merkins


The Donkey will get you!

Partner up – 1st partner does Donkey kicks while 2nd partner touches 5 trees, switch, repeat x 3


 Respect to the Flag

Circle up around the shovel flag, Bear crawl to the flag, 5 Merkins, Bear crawl out, 5 Merkins


YHC took us out



YHC showed up very early to find the parking lot 1/4 full with people waiting to vote. This excited him even more for this election day theme.

The PAX showed up in the appropriate attire coinciding the almost freezer temperature except for Abacus. He posted still in shorts and T-shirt, Hardywood would be proud.

Mosey to the basketball with a brief “Good Morning” was had with the election volunteers then work was to be done to get the 270 votes need to win the election. COP included 270 reps for all exercises.

Another short mosey to the soccer field to start another election. The PAX traveled the country to the battle ground states to collect another 250 electoral votes need. But wait! We are 20 short of the 270?!? Well a special trip to Michigan for the last 20 will be needed then! The PAX reluctantly agreed to disagree.

While completing the Four Corners the YHC saw this figure in the gloom. Toga decided to make an appearance. Welcome Toga! Glad you could make it!

Abacus asked if the Burpees could be used for the Merkins challenge (he after all is trying for 10K). YHC agreed they would count as long as “true” Merkins were completed during the Burpee.

Chatter was strong throughout except for when the Donkey decided to show up for this election. Better watch out for that Donkey!

During repeat to the flag the YHC explained that no matter if we are Donkey, Elephant, or whatever, we are one nation and the flag symbolizes that. My we never forget this!

Welcome to the newest DVille PAX member Gecko!

Also welcome to EF Hutton for making the trip to the north side for the 2nd time this week!

After COT some PAX members went right to vote but coffee was had with Abacus, Opus, Emoji, and THE Carpenter.

Those keeping count for the Merkins Challenge. 165 Merkins, 185 if you include your Burpees

It was honor for the YHC to lead this PAX. Thanks to all for your support throughout!!





  1. Strong Q, Spit! The Donkey Kicks are always a highlight. You kept us moving and challenged!

  2. Great Q Spit. I think the Donkey kicked me instead of me Donkey Kicking. No better way to start the day.

  3. Great themed Q, Spit. On a day where division gets the loudest soundbites, I am really greatful for this unifying and encouraging group.

  4. Solid Q and sorry for missing some of the fun. I know Gecko from my Jiu-Jitsu days, and I would not encourage too much rough housing with him. You may not like what you get in return. He’ll be crushing the workouts in no time.

  5. Strong work Spit and the DaVille crew. Way to collect those votes and get stronger in the process.

    Welcome Gecko.

  6. Looks friggin’ solid, Spit. Sorry to have to sit it out.
    Also, big nod to the West Wing link. One of my all time fav’s.

    Welcome Gecko!

  7. Thanks Lab Rat! Glad some enjoyed West Wing reference. That is one of my all time fav’s as well!!