Six strong attended a well lit workout at Batteau on a brisk Monday morning.
The thang:
Circle up in the field- 21 SSH, 21 slow bending squats, 21 mountain climbers, 21 flutter kicks. Repeat all exercises twice.
Mosey to parking lot.
Figure 8 Merkin Ladder – run around bigger loop, one merkin, run around smaller loop, two merkins, repeat up to 21.
100 quick feet on curb OYO.
Burp Merk – up to 5, repeat 5 and back down.
5 MOM – hot potato Q – LBCs, Box cutters, Freddie mercury, Hardywood’s wife, Wilson’s wife leg raises.
Excellent job today PAX. Props to Hardywood for cruising through the Merklin Ladder. That’s 251 total merkins in the workout for those tackling the merkin challenge, this includes a portion of the burp merk. The Hardywood’s wife exercise consisted of elbow planks and doing a SSH basically, YHC thought this new one deserved a ‘wife’ title.
Good to hear the first Virginia Beach outing went well, minus the interaction with some other locals. Keep up the good work down there.
YHC was reading last week’s Richmond newspaper in the office kitchen this morning and located a story about a gentleman who runs marathons all over the world, he’s in his 60s, and has run every Richmond marathon since 2004. His great-great-great-great (subtract or add one more) grandfather invented the batteau style boating system. Very fitting for a Monday morning read.
Honey Do, you’re tough as a rock, or stone should I say? get well soon buddy.
PS. don’t work for BT, he’ll call you a pansy if you try to leave your post while passing kidney stones.
Great Q Wedding Singer.. Excellent job pax – way to work..
Good way to start the week..
See y’all in the gloom..
First off, well done. Looks like a smoker.
Secondly, might I point out that the “running into the locals” incident in VA Beach was PURE GOLD! Definitely the most interesting portion of my weekend.
Singer, great 21 Q!
“21, my favorite age…” This was definitely a workout that looked easier on paper. Well done, WS.