Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Beware of the Gloom!


Six men showed up and five men entered the gloom together to face an opponent that took a brother out.

The Workout:


Mosey to the track – SSH, DQ’s, Helicopters, Imperial Walkers

Short mosey to the straight part of the track for Wilson’s version of the Suck.

Four stations (Merkin, LBC’s, Diamond Merkin & Flutter Kicks) with a person running a 1/4 mile loop. X3

Circle up for a quick ring of fire (10 merkins) and 6 minutes of Mary (various exercises)

The Moleskin:

From the title of the workout, I am sure you gathered something went wrong today! Lug Nut was working on extra credit with his M (mind out of the gutter please) and had committed to do the mile a day challenge with her. During his mile a pine cone came out of nowhere and attacked his ankle. The pine cone won that round sending Lug Nut home to ice a twisted ankle. Recover quickly Lug!

During the first round of the Suck, Gumbo hunted down the pine cone and took care of it. The story was amazing and will likely be a movie soon! YHC enjoys the format of the Suck and will be bringing it to other AO’s soon! Like Saab at WDog YHC chose to go heavy on Merkins. I would like my brothers to get the extra work out of the way so they can relax! McRib put up some serious numbers somewhere around 385 (also a bus number) and Gumbo was not far behind in the high 200’s. Not much mumble chatter today (most coming from YHC).

One thing to note – YHC did hid first Q with NO weinkie. I’m in withdrawal!

Have a great day fellas – see ya in the gloom!


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Way to work guys !
    Oh no Lug …. Put some ice on it dude – damn pine cones..
    See y’all in the gloom..

  2. Great Q Wilson! Thanks for leading and way to do it without the weinke.

    I enjoyed getting my merkins out of the way.

    Lugnut, get better soon. We missed you out there today.


  3. Add pine cones to the list with the acorns that chase Aisle 5, extra dark gloom and diesel fuel fumes that make SOT an adventure every time. Great work on the Suck guys, I missed the southside crew today venturing to the other side of the river to welcome Saab back into the mix. Get better soon Lug.

  4. Great Q Wilson, thanks for showing up and bringing the SOT Suck with you. McRib – way to pound out some merkins man.

    Lug – to be honest that darn pine cone almost took me out too. Hope the ankle is feeling better and you can get back out soon.

  5. Wilson, no Weinke? You are the man! Thanks for the thoughts guys, I would have preferred to experience the Suck @SOT.