Wednesday, January 22
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

The Murph meets Dora 123


19 men and 1 FNG (Friendly New Gal) started the weekend off the right way and this is what we did:

The Murph – 1 mile run, 50 pullups, 200 merkins, 300 squats, 1 mile run

Mosey from flag to circle at the top of amphitheater for Dora 123.  Partner up. While one partner runs to Carillon, up steps, around back of Carillon, down steps and back to partner.  Other partner performs exercises.  As a team, perform 100 WWII situps, 200 flutterkicks, 300 LBCs.

Mosey to hills behind amphitheater for Modified Jacobs Ladder. Run down hill to and up hill to perform merkins x3. Repeat x7.

Mosey back to flag for Numberama, Namearama, and COT.  YHC took us out with prayer.

NMM : A couple of months ago, Toga had the Q at Wdog and we did the Murph.  That day we needed more time, so YHC thought this mornings Dogpile hour would be perfect opportunity for the PAX the complete The Murph.  Turns out we completed The Murph in 41 minutes.  Great job by everyone.  Because the PAX kicked The Murph’s ass and Honeydo did not want to miss out some abs exercises, YHC thought Dora 123 would fill the last 19 minutes of the beatdown.  YHC was wrong as the PAX completed an ab heavy Dora with five minutes to spare.  Not wanting to deprive the PAX of a complete 60 minutes, the Jacobs Ladder filled the void.  Whatever YHC threw at the PAX this morning, the PAX cruised through each section with F3 ease.

Welcome to FNG K2 (YHCs youngest 2.0)(Good job of embarrassing all the old men with the pullups, Dad could not have been prouder)

Way to work this morning men.

Circle K


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  1. Great Q Circle K!! Thoroughly enjoyed your second beatdown. Looking forward to Tuesday for the Final dose!!

  2. Great Beatdown Circle K. Now we know the PAX can handle the full 100 pull up Murph at Dogpile with time to spare. And nice work K2!

  3. Great Q Circle K. The Murph is a beast but the PAX was up to the challenge this morning. Strong work everyone, especially K2…welcome

    Swirly – great partnering on the Dora – you crushed those flutter kicks.

  4. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Solid Q Circle K – K2 is amazing – atta girl…
    Gumbo pleasure to partner up with u bro – u smoked the WW11 sit ups man …
    As always enjoyed ET’s gents ..
    See y’all in the gloom..

  5. Great work today, I wished I had brought Athena she would have loved to meet K2. Thanks for pushin us today!!