Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Merkan Mile and a new Lazy Dory Variation


Four of the faithful posted in pitch blackness this morning at #SOT. There was a chill in the air, and all waited in their cars until the appointed time. Johnsonville (YHC) planted a SF and took Q. Here is how it went down, more or less:

Mosey to soccer field inside track. Squint to see anything at all.

COP warm ups with SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Scap Merkins, Hillbillies, Low Slow Squats, Flutter Kicks, and LBCs. Ala Rosie, do burpee ladder between sets, starting with one and increasing to seven.

Mosey onto track. Merkan mile pausing after each set of 25x Merkans for plank variations and to regroup.

Native American run along sidewalk to basketball courts.

Pair up for Lazy Dora variation with each pair doing 100x merkans, 200x LBCs, and 300x squats. Instead of running or planking, the non-exercising partner did crab-cakes.

COT with YHC taking us out.

— PLEASE HEADLOCK MEN IN VIRGINIA BEACH AND OTHER AREAS OF TIDEWATER Send names and email addresses to HamptonRoads@f3nation.com.
— If you are willing to take a VA Beach road trip, then talk to Toga, Bleeder/TYA, Hardywood, or Rosie to get a spot on their teams.


This was a tough workout, and men attacked it with no complaints and good form. Wilson attempted a little bit of mumble chatter, but the PAX was not about to be distracted from their gloom.

It is good at SOT to always move away from the parking area as fast as possible to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning. We did that this morning, and did not returneto the SF until the very end.

Great job this morning! Jville


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  1. That was a deceivingly hard workout. Finishing with what you called a Lazy Dora was brutal. Crab cakes looked more like…….well who knows. It was bad form for sure. Nice job Jville!