7 PAX gathered in the Monday morning Gloom to consummate what may (or may not) have been YHC’s Virgin Q. Their presence both humbled and encouraged YHC through the process. Alongside YHC’s VQ, the PAX quietly celebrated the 25 little bears who ended a 71-year baseball curse this weekend. How better to celebrate the Cubs than Bear Crawls for all the PAX? YHC fears he created a lot of Indians’ fans.
Here’s how it went down:
SSH’s x 19
Don Quixotes x 08 (Abe Vegoda style)
Imperial Walkers x 19
LBCs X 25 (4 count) (one for each players on the Cubs)
Arm Circles 45 total
(Forward x 18 small, x5 large)
(Reverso x 17 small, x5 large)
Mozey to picnic tables for…
Bearmuda Triangle – 3 stations. Each PAX bear crawls between stations. Dips, ‘Mercans, Flutter Kicks (4 count). Round 1 x10, Round 2 x 20, Round 3 x30. Plank up between rounds. Hold standard plank for 2 minutes.
Mozey to brick wall for…
Touch a Tree…
Donkey Kicks (10)
Invisible Chairs (8)
Reverse Crunches (6)
Burpees (4)
Balls to the Wall (2)
Mozey by way of Polar Bear Inch Worm to the front of the school…
Conveyer Belt through parking lot…that’s exercise at each parking space and bear crawl to the next space…
Monkey Humpers x5
Box Cutters x5
Flutter Kicks (4 Count) x5
Mozey back to the flag…
Honey-Do took us out.
Mumble Chatter
Not much audible mumble chatter today. YHC wonders whether he is not able to listen to a groaning PAX while simultaneously concentrating on the next exercise while simultaneously counting reps on the current exercise. Perhaps, YHC is learning that leadership is a lonely profession. Or, perhaps YHC’s wife is right, he can hear, but he just doesn’t listen. Time will tell.
That said, YHC appreciates Toga’s continued guidance on the proper numerical angle that should formed by YHC’s shoes, caboose, and melon when exhibiting the plank position. Targeting x = 180 degrees….current form x <180 degrees. YHC promises to do better.
Finally, YHC would like to thank the PAX for helping YHC through his Q-ginity issues. Cherry officially lost.
Bear Creek coming up in December. There was some disagreement between Chum Bucket and Chum Bucket on whether registration has closed. YHC can confirm that as of today, the registration page still appears on Facebook. Interested folks should test for themselves.
Still need names for F3 Tidewater kick-off November 5. Raleigh allegedly well-ahead of Richmond. YHC hates falling behind RDU area in anything (hoops, football, F3 recruiting…). Let’s dig deep and put some headlocks in place. Send names to Johnsonville.
Cubs in 6. UpChuck out.
Nice official VQ Upchuck, that was enough Ab work for an entire week. Good to see the conveyor belt move further north to Punisher, DK would be proud…
Solid work Upchuck. You must have missed the mumble chatter due to being hepped up on Q speed. There was regular surprise when each new set involved.., that’s right, Bear Crawls.
Sounds like a solid VQ! Sorry you had to endure Toga while trying to cope with everything else. He is most certainly an aquired taste.
Just be happy the Dodgers didn’t win. You would have been running in and out of traffic.
Welcome to the rotation Upchuck – well done guys..