21 strong posted for a perfect morning for a pre-hurricane Matthew workout.
Our warmup consisted of…
20 x SSH
20 x Don Quixote
20 x Deep Squats
20 x LBC
The Pax then moseyed to the hard top to conduct a round of triple check (for 4 rounds
just to keep everyone on their toes) – balls to the wall, alternating elbow and hand
planks and then run forward to fence and backwards back to group.
Next up was a karaoke shuffle on the tennis court across the 4 courts – forwards,
karaoke sideways, backwards, karaoke sideways, backwards then repeat on each court.
We ran 2 rounds of this.
Then we moseyed to the field for 11s – everyone’s favorite. 3 rounds (burpees/LBCs, Lunges/Freddie Mercuries, Jump Squats/Pushups). During the 2nd round of the 11’s there was a discussion of possible transfer of the Q from YHC to Flashdance who was eager to provide additional beatdown for the Pax. This was fueled by some confusion as to who would be Q today – the positive note was that we had too many Q’s (and not too few).
YHC transferred the Q to FlashDance for the remaining 5 minutes and the Pax did an Indian run back to the flag stopping along the way 3 times to do Flutter Kicks, Jump Squats and Carolina Dry Docks.
YHC was hoping that Flashdance would take on the duties of the backblast after taking the Q but unfortunately he passed the Q back to me at the end and thus my entry here in the backblast. Til next time!
Solid beat down this morning Pucker with a handoff to Flashdance at the end to get us on the move.
You two are getting ready for a hot potato on Saturday.
Great workout Pucker, made for a nice return on my part. (Didn’t care too much for the running though.)
McRib is on the menu!
Great Q Pucker and nice finish with the indigenous people run at the end Flashdance. That is becoming one of your trademarks and I like it (sorry Saab).
Also, it was a little painful for me to say goodbye to Kevin Bacon but I do feel like less is more when it comes to nicknames and 4 syllables is just too many in my opinion. So McRib is a welcome change and fitting to describe my F3 journey thus far.
KB (doh) McRib
Atta baby Pucker – nice Q buddy!
See y’all in the gloom…
It’s back again.. The McRib..KB glad you are back. Great Q Pucker if the pax moans in disgust it usually means your doing something right. Flashdance, Thanks for the homage. The new unofficial official name of the Native American run with exercises is the “FlipDog Shuffle” Corporate was consulted and is in agreement. Clubfoot out