Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Somehow, the Rain Held Off


The same number of pax that posted at No Toll (plus one) came out for a North Side beat down.  The rain held out and the temp stayed in the 60’s so that Emoji could join us (hand warmers stayed in the truck).  YHC planted a SF, and we got to work:


  • SSH X30
  • Don Quixote X20
  • Arm Circles as always
  • Merkin X10
  • Freddie Mercury X20
  • LBC X20
  • Lt Dan IC OYO X5


  • Burpee Mile- Run  Cool Springs track, every lap do 12 burpees.  Restrictor Plate option:  hit pullup bars for AMRAP.  4 laps (and 48 burpees) = 1 mile.  Lt. Dans when finished.
  • Mosey, with alternating shoulder taps to gather six.
  • Suicides relay:  On Atlee soccer field, split pax in teams of two.  Start in plank, first runner on each team runs suicides to cones that AHS graciously left lying around campus.  While runner goes, on-deck runner calls cadence (X5 merkins).  Second runner goes, team flips over into reverse plank.  On-deck runner calls cadence (X5 crab cakes).  Upon completion of all suicides, teams Al Gore.  Q (odd man out) runs suicides while pax holds Al Gore.
  • Mary:  Freddie Mercurys and quick Superman


YHC expected to deal with adverse weather conditions this morning, but the rain held off and was only slightly damper than the normal dew.  He was also a little hesitant with the plan he had in place, as there was much running involved.  But, it WAS a plan, so may as well roll with it and see what transpired.

The burpee mile was tough, but the pax demolished it!  The restrictor plate worked out great, as all pax members finished up within a minute of each other.  The Sugar Ray’s got in plenty of time on the pull up bars this morning, too.

DaVille is a massive campus, and much time can be spent just on the Mosey.  YHC has been breaking it up in chunks lately, with short ground and pound segments thrown in along the way.  Me thinks the pax approves of this.  It’s either that or indian runs…

Not much mumblechatter, except for Abacus railing on Guppy (his 2.0) regarding counting to 12.  Like father, like son.

Good job to Emoji, who toughed out the weather outside his comfort zone.  Brrrrrrrrrr!

Also, nice to see Roscoe make it out for his 2nd workout!  He is already planning on DogPile Saturday with a buddy.  Keep posting, brother!

Great job to everyone this morning for powering thru a run-heavy endeavor.  It’s always a pleasure leading a group of men that attack a workout.


  • Monthly challenge link:  https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1-L8e9W24ygnU0suaGyKxzi1PgPqY1CBd57hLrKTZI-g/edit?ts=563e70a3#gid=1017786714
  • Hump Day Happy Hour:  http://f3nation.com/2016/09/19/928-hdhh-ill-see-you-at-tha-crossroads/
  • October 8 Convergence:  http://f3nation.com/2016/09/23/preblast-convergence-oct-8-dogpile/
  • Nov. 5 Leap to Tidewater.  If you know somebody down that way that could use F3, please send me email addresses and I will get them on our list.
  • Dec. 4 Bear Creek 10 mile trail race.

Lab Rat out.




About Author

Need somebody to talk incessantly during a long run? Ask you questions while you are gasping for breath? I'm your guy.


  1. Great to see my boy Rosco post again. No doubt he will become a regular.

    The Daville crew continues strong momentum. Great work guys.