Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

A Tribute to the King


Arnold Palmer Drinking

Five willing participants gathered in the cooler and arguably crisp morning air at Linwood Holton for an Arnie inspired beatdown.  Tee time was 530 sharp.  Offshore stumbled out of the van at 5:29:45 and almost missed it.  Quick mosey to the front lawn for the commencement ceremonies:

62x – SSH, one for each PGA tour win
15x – IW
15x – Arm Circles.  10 small, 5 large, repeato forwards and backwards
15x – Copperhead Squats

The Thang
– 7 minutes of burpees, one for each of the King’s major wins
– Mosey to the bus loop for curb crawls.  Up to 7, repeat 7, back down to 1.  Bear crawl forward, crawl bear backwards.  Al Gore it up.
– 7 burpees
– Quick mosey to the basketball court for traveling 4 corners.  1 person at each station with a traveler between the stations.  Traveler runs to the next station and the person at that station becomes the traveler.  Stations were Jump Squats, LBCs, Lt Dans, APDs.  Run forward on the long sides and backwards on the short side.
– 7 burpees
– Multiple variations of line drills on the basketball court, dividing the court up into thirds.  First iteration was straight up line drills, second iteration was run forward and backward, third iteration was karaoke.  Plank-o-rama between each when finished.
– Mosey to the picnic tables for two iterations of 62.  First iteration was 31 derkins & 31 dips OYO totaling 62.  Second iteration was 31 step-ups and 31 dips.  7 burpees in-between iterations.
– Mosey to the VSF for 7 more burpees

This was YHC’s first improv Q, having planned nothing the night before.  When the news hit the wire of the King’s passing it made sense to have a tribute Q.  Unfortunately for the PAX the only significant numbers YHC knew about Arnie and his accomplishments were 62 and 7, so we went with it.  62x SSH at the start was a bit of a gasser.

YHC continues to work on his instructional ability.  It is clear that no assumptions should be made with the PAX’s understanding of core bootcamp exercises.  Offshore misunderstood the purpose of 7 minutes of burpees and did the first 3 minutes non-stop before asking — “How many are you guys doing?”  The instruction to pick a number and repeat every minute was not explicit enough.

Honey Do still loves burpees.  Typically YHC is on the receiving end of a Honey Do burpee fest.  Not this time.

Chum always crushes burpees but seemed a little self-conscious about his form during curb crawls.  YHC believes the reason the tomato walkers left so soon was the visual they saw while witnessing Chum’s elevated hip position, especially during crawl bear.  YHC hears that yoga helps with hip positioning.

Bleeder likely left questioning his decision to attend a Splinter Q.  YHC appreciates the full disclosure Bleeder considered in weighing #Batteau vs a Splinter Q at #Punisher.  Clearly it was the right call.

The traveling 4 corners is a great idea with 5 people but YHCs choice of exercises may have been a bit lame.  It was cut short as there wasn’t enough physical exertion being demonstrated.

– Hardywood led HDHH this Wednesday at Crossroads.  See his pre-blast for more info
– Convergence is not this Saturday but Saturday the 8th.

Splinter out.



  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Arnie is a legend who will certainly be missed – way to pay tribute to a great American and Sportsman !
    Well done fella’s – solid beatdown Splinter…
    See y’all in the gloom..

  2. I had no idea Arnie only won 7 majors, now I can say that is etched in my mind forever. I do not love burpees but can support them in conjunction with a theme beatdown