Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Run Silent, Run Deep or Where’s Your Flair?


6 posted for a lovely (not really) RVA morning at Batteau.  The rain had stopped, but the humidity made itself comfy and planned to stay for awhile.  Thang:

Mosey around the big loop for warm-up COP: SSH, merkins, Don Quixote, scorpions, imperial walkers

Pair up for a run around the big loop while your partner executes curb crawls, flapjack and repeato x3.  Staying in pairs, backwards run small loop while your partner crab walks the curbs, flapjack and repeato x3.

Mosey to tennis court for a version of the arc loader with special attention to good lunge form  (Conspiracy would have been proud).  Sprint back and repeato x4.

Line up beside the tennis courts for 10x incline merkins and then run a suicide on the court.  Repeat with 10x derkins and side shuffle suicide.  Finish with 10x clerkins and backwards run suicide.

Mosey to loop for a burpee clock.  Execute a burpee followed by a run around the small loop, and add a burpee for each subsequent lap up to 7.  The PAX finished with flutter kicks and 10 burpees as a cherry on top.

NMM:  It’s odd how you start to look at things after doing F3 for a couple of years.  YHC’s plan to head down to the lake and lug rocks around was dropped after only a couple of the PAX remembered head lights.  Thankfully, everything becomes a workout after you’ve been to enough workouts.  There’s a loop, we have some lines on a court, curbs were made for crawlin’, and hey, there’s a little decline made for derkins.  Give this group a parking lot, and we’ll find something to do!

Re the title, it appears that the new OS on the Apple watch adds a special alert/rape whistle/emergency call feature.  Whilst doing merkins on the warm-up COP the watch decided to start counting down to battle stations.  They don’t show that on the commercial.

It’s no mystery that YHC and BT have a Spartan this weekend, so the PAX was encouraged to include a clap on the burpees.  That’s right, you clap when you put your hands over your head during the jump.  Most of Hardywood’s burpees didn’t count because he didn’t have enough flair in his burpees.  Can’t we all use a little more flair?


  • YHC will check with Hardywood, but I’m proposing a 20 burpee tax for posting at Batteau without a headlamp.  This would be in place till the Spring thaw.
  • It’s not to late to join the Spartan race this coming Saturday.  The BT bus leaves early Saturday morning, and be sure to join F3RVA if interested.
  • Signup soon if interested in Bear Creek 10 miler
  • 10/1 Rugged Maniac, see EF Hutton
  • Va Beach launch is coming.  Look for more news from our Expansion Q, Johnsonville.

Stay Classy,



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  1. Looks like a solid beat down. I was torn today. Batteau or River Runs first Boot Camp. Obviously I chose River Run. Wish I could be in two places at once. Not only would that help me attend more AO’s, but I am sure Wilson’s wife would benefit!

  2. BT (Big Tennessee) on

    F3 ingenuity at its finest. Good to meet Peaches for the first time, and good to work out the soreness I still had from Saturday!

  3. Good Q Toga… Don’t need to go all over the AO for a good beatdown… Btw had my flair and ready to take on the gloom. Well done men