Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Bad Things!


As YHC wrestled with the warm clutch of the fartsack this AM, I wondered what exactly would be the penalty for fartsacking through a scheduled Q.  Tons of burpees?  Continuous loops up and down the Dogpile pipe?  Branded with a Scarlett Q?  Just as YHC began to drift back off to sleep, I could sense that something mysterious was lurking.  Struggling to lift my eyelids, I could see something was sitting, waiting in the corner.  I could barely see a hazy silhouette.  As my eyes began to focus it whispered softly “bad things”.  Huh, what was that?  Again it whispered “bad things” only this time slightly louder.  I closed my eyes tightly and opened them once again to find Swirly standing over me, staring me in the face 4 inches away.  “Bad things” he growled once again.  I closed my eyes one last time and in an instant he was gone.  With that, YHC leapt out of bed, away from the firm embrace of the fartsack, and headed off into the gloom to Q a WDog Beatdown.  8 Brave escaped the sack for bad things of a different variety.


  • Helicopters x 15
  • SSH x 20
  • IW x 20
  • Mountain Climbers x 20
  • Box Cutters x 21

Mosey to Street

  • 2 Burpees per Street Light – 1 Loop


Mosey to Amphitheatre

  • Donkey Kick Ladder 18-1
  • Touchdown Al Gore-orama
  • Arm Circles
  • Box Jump Ladder 1-18


Mosey to Rusty Cage

  • Overhand Pullups/ Hanging Gas Pumps x 10/10
  • Underhand Pullups/ Hanging Gas Pumps x 10/10

Mosey to Circle

Ring of Fire – Merkins x 10


  • Freddie Mercury x 15
  • Crossover Leg Raises x 10 each

Mosey to Flag

As YHC arrived at the AO at 0515ish to find no Corporate truck parked in its usual spot, YHC briefly panicked thinking perhaps it was Thursday and he was in the wrong place before realizing TYA was on the scene and a few brief moments later saw that familiar blue truck emerge from the gloom.  YHC has been a bit out of sorts since that dizzying beatdown Saturday night at the hands of that team from Knoxville who shall remain nameless, plus the multitude of 12 ounce waters and sodas he consumed.  It was then that Swirly confirmed that he was both securing the AO and chasing off some punk up to no good in his neighborhood.  TYA was concerned that the blue boxes were nowhere to be found and headed off into the darkness to do what needed to be done.  Perhaps that was not a dog, but TYA’s work BT stepped in while moseying over to the Rusty Cage.  The PAX was met by another group at the Rusty Cage that was kind enough to share the space as the F3ers showed them how it is done.   Not a lot of chatter on the whole this morning though the PAX and their shins let out a collective moan during the Amphitheatre donkey kicks.  It was a perfect morning for a beatdown and the PAX showed strong.  Thanks to all who came out.  Tales of the BRR were enjoyed by all.


361 Days until the 2017 BRR

ReeceStrong 5k 9/17 – F3 Richmond Region is currently 2nd in participants; do it the “hard way”

Spartan 9/24 – join Toga and BT

Rugged Manic 10/1 – join EF Hutton

Bear Creek 10 miler 12/4 – join Lab Rat?


Please keep Bleeder and his family in your prayers as his father-in-law, a man who represented what F3 is all about, passed away this week.


About Author

When EF Hutton speaks, people listen.


  1. I was all ready to crack my usual jokes until I read the last line.

    Thoughts and prayers, Bleeder. Sorry for your loss.

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great BB – EF… Bad things indeed when you stay in the fartsack cause Swirly will find you !!Dude I hope BT did not roll in TYA’s load as we mossy thru the woods wow… Yeah ever since those idiot teenagers spray painted all the cars on my block I have been a little more on the look out as they say… I’m a light sleeper one foot out of the covers at all times just in case I gotta get up and roll.. When I saw the suspicious character I thought hell yeah I get to start the workout early this morning – but I did not spot him again even though I did a couple pass buys pretending I forgot something (Hardywoods Hat) which is in my truck bro… So unfortunately no beatdown before the beatdown – but you made up for that EF – solid workout bro.. My legas are smoked from the donkey kicks and step ups – gonna be tuff running hillcrest this afternoon – (Bear Creek training baby)!
    Continuing to lift you all up in thoughts and prayers Bleeder…
    See y’all in the gloom…..

  3. Nice work fellas, EF I was going to talk some Tech football with you at NoToll. Swirly was yelling for Tech until half time and wanted to be put into the game after the BRR!!!

  4. EF – let’s connect on the fart sacking on the scheduled Q! Not good – glad you made it. Looked like a solid beat down.

  5. BT (Big Tennessee) on

    Wait, what was that? Swirly? VT? Time for a Big Orange wardrobe upgrade for Corporate! That donkey kick/box jump ladder was a little slice of hell. Well done, fellas!