Thursday, February 13
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

BRR training and more


Cop:   TYA led part and had some numbers for exercise that did not add up!!  Than we divided into 2 groups one for the guys running the BRR and the other group I led so we had a duel Q this morning.

Thang: TYA led his group for some mediation and yoga.   My group we started with 4 square;  10 merkins with 5 sec hold, 5 pull ups, knees to chest, 25 single leg jump squats.

We ended up this 3.5 rounds than we lined up for an Indian run with a twist.  I took this one from Flipper’s playbook Q.  We added dealers choice of exercise when we ran to the front we ran for 10 plus minutes and the pax pushed it hard on the run!!

Ran back to the flag we TYA led 5 minutes of Mary!!


Great work today fellas!!

Toucan: I know that run was hard for you today but you didn’t STOP, that’s it in a nutshell that’s how we grow when we push ourselves past our comfort zone, that fellas inspires the heck out of me to see other pax  members going full throttle.

Thanks for letting me lead today TYA!!!


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  1. Good luck at the race guys, can’t wait to here about it! Safe travels as well…

    Good Q this am flashdance!