At 0 dark thirty and three hours after YHC awoke for his VQ 18 strong and committed men took to the field like rabid dogs ready to eat. Swirly planted the shovel flag and Flipper had the Q. The number of the day was 22 in honor of YHC’s 22nd wedding anniversary and a Team of Two beatdown was executed.
Mosey to the center of the front field for the COP:
- SSH x 22
- Arm Circles x 11 forward X 11 reverso = 22
- IW/Hillbillies X11 X11= 22
- FM/LBC X 11 x 11 = 22
The Race of Your Life
Pair up with someone you can carry and race from one line marked with glow sticks to distant line marked with glow sticks approximate distance 60-70 yards. Race went like this:
- Bear Crawl to endline Crawl Bear back meanwhile partner does 11/11 FM/LBC
- Partner Does the BearCrawl/Crawl Bear and you do 11/11 FM/LBC
- Partner Carry to endline Switch on the way back
- Wheelbarrow to endline Switch on the way back
- Sprint to endline and sprint back meanwhile partner does 11/11 FM/LBC
- Partner does sprint and you do 11/11 FM/LBC
Team of Two on the Move / No man left Behind
Paired with your teammate Indigenous People Run around the outside of the field on the sidewalk, snake back thru the field, around opposite side of the school from the parking lot ending at the shovel flag. Each two man team, runs from the back to the front and then entire Pax does 11 Merkins. We completed 1 revolution plus 2/3.
Mary Did you Know
- Ring of Fire: Pax holds six inches each while each man completes 22 two count flutter kicks.
- APD x 22 IC
- Superman/Scuba/ swimmer who knows x 22 IC
- LBC X 22 IC
- American Hammers X 22 IC
- Carolina Dry Docks x 22 IC
Numberama and Namerama YHC took us out! Cherry Busted!
Moleskin- YHC saw something today he had never seen. An AO before Swirly’s arrival. Its scary folks don’t ever do it. Thank you all for allowing me to lead today it was an honor and humbling to have a group of such strong, and powerful men, all leaders, load up and get behind you. I believe I heard Bears growling in the Darkness as that was an ambitious distance to BC/CB. But like strong men do with no quit in them we pushed thru.
The indigenous paired run was met with approval. YHC still has nightmares of his first post to F3 at No Toll. I couldn’t keep up and got left in the misty darkness of a January beatdown, splinter recovered me in a mercyful search party. So in homage as two man teams we ran and left no man behind. Note: Singlet pushed the run hard, did not quit, and was an inspiration to his team and the Pax, I see you brother. The Ring of Fire caused much groaning and had the desired effect I have appointments set for all of you this afternoon.
My Dad died when I was 12. I have since spent my life seeking and surrounding myself with a group of guys, High School wrestling, a College Fraternity, and after college a void. Now God lead me to a group that I truly needed. Hopefully I have inspired some of you because God knows I am Inspired by you guys.
- Swirly: No body works harder!
- Bleeder leaves his heart on the field running with his Robo knee(he has no business running on that thing.
- Ricky Bobby at over 50 made me keep running because he was not gonna stop.
- How Hardywood turned his life around after being fired from Curves
- The way Singlet pushed it Today
- The way Lab Rat continues to talk even when no one is listening
These are the things that inspire me everyday, and I love you for it. A special thanks goes out to M. Flipper for kicking my ass for 22 years, It ain’t always easy but its always worth it!!!
Flipdog Out
Great work fellas!! Honored to have lead this group of men today
Brotha – This is a damn fine BB. You crushed it today and it’s been a privilege getting to know you and watching you dominate the workouts more and more each morning. Cheers to you Flipper.
Great, VQ my shoulders are toast for at least a week. Congrats on 22 years of marriage!!!
Flipper – freaken well done buddy. VQ = Solid
BB = Awesome – and you took us out this morning with some excellent heart felt words… Flipdog is now in the Q rotation fella’s – atta baby Flipper…
See y’all in the gloom..
Well done and well said Flipper and congrats on your anniversary. Strong VQ – great to have you in the rotation.
That was the mother of all bear crawl/crawl bear courses today. It was great teaming up with Bleeder today. The man can push a broken wheelbarrow like nobody’s business — plant your hands or get planted.
Great VQ and BB! Pretty sure that was more wheelbarrow this am than I’ve ever done before in all with F3. My arms are toast.
Flipdog!!! I am not sure how you are adjusting today but FYI I need to the use of my arms…
thanks in advance for your concern.
That was an excellent VQ. Good work Flipper. That was certainly the longest wheelbarrow stretch I’ve ever done.
Flashdance all apart of the plan. I’m pretty sure I can fit anyone in you can’t today…thanks for the assist today in keeping the pax in ranks during the IP run…Chiropractic Brothers forever
Dude, you are chiropractors? I thought you said proctologists? Is there a difference?
Great VQ Flipper. I can now officially say that the 45 minute sessions are no easier than the 60 minute Dogpile sessions.
My wrists still hurt from the wheel barrel.
Great job, way to pop that cherry!
Also, thanks for mentioning me in yet another bb I didn’t post for.
I’m an inspiration! Suck it, haters!
Also, great job securing the AO and letting Swirly sleep in a few minutes.
Awesome VQ and BB Flipper. That wheelbarrow was no joke. I told Rosie to just keep pushing me once my arms give out as my bald head and the wet grass would provide good traction for forward movement.
Thanks for leading us today and Happy Anniversary!
Bend over and I’ll show you
Excellent Q Flipper! Welcome Fireman Ed!
IS that the one or five finger adjustment?
“The way Lab Rat continues to talk even when no one is listening”