Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Not alone this time


4 strong rolled out of Bettie Weaver Elementary for the usual route of hills.  68 degrees and dark with only a sliver of the moon and DK’s light to guide us.

Into Tarrington on Riverton Ridge, Ashell Loop and up to Robious.  Down Twin Team and with a little extra time to spare, 1 90 second push back up Twin Team for good measure. 4-5 miles were logged at a nice easy pace, good for tapering in preparation for the BRR.


Wilson was happy to see others out this morning so he didn’t have to run in the dark alone, not that he would have done it.  YHC remembered that I did not have a headlamp as I pulled into the parking lot, left in my ride that the M has taken on a road trip.  Luckily DK had one to guide us through the dark.  Discussions during the run centered around TYA and his masterful BRR van pairings with all the far Southside men the same van.  The vans leave in 10 days.

Also discussed afterwards was whether to keep RiverRun on the list after the BRR.  More discussion to be had but between YHC and Lugnut the inclination was to keep it on the schedule but as a boot camp workout with some running thrown in every once in a while.  Let me know if you have any thoughts.

Wednesday afternoon run and Barkey Marathon showing at Hillcrest/TYA’s.

Hard work pays.  Well done today.



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  1. Nice run! Changing to a boot camp is a great idea! #runningsucks I was really happy to run with others today. On ride home I saw a really big dude running with what looked to be a cop night stick and just yards in front of him a tiny woman is just booking along without a fear! Glad to see my phobia extends past me! lol Looking forward to running BRR – just not the dark part! #FEBA

  2. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    I might extend the brr feedback hours if there is positive feedback to be shared #shocked