Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Pokemon Lost


The Glory of Creation was on full display on the drive to the GridIron this morning – no gloom, just the wonderment of a sublime tangerine sun welcomed a strong 8. One of the Faithful posted from Suffolk, having been transplanted from Charleston and the rigors F3SC, eager to partake in all that is F3RVA! The prior clarion call for KettleBells, Medicine Balls, and Jump Ropes was heeded. With no postings by the Quad-Hate progeny, YHC scuttled the diversionary Pokemon inspired gambit designed to introduce basic orienteering (and keep the young men safely occupied away from the perils of the KB squared circle) and converted same to individual interstitial recovery missions. Circus Maximus (and lost and found) at the GridIron went something like this:

The Thang:

EMOM 10:

Group A:
X5 – X10 KB American Swings
X5 – X10 KB Squat and High Pulls
X5 – X10 KB Squat and Presses

Group B:
X20 Merkins

Alternating groups Rinse and Repeat for full EMOM 10 – 5 sets of each of 2 groups on alternating minutes.

The PAX do alternating planks as Seymour runs a recovery mission to retrieve Pokemon at Control Point Alpha.

EMOM 10:

Group A:
X5 – X10 KB Right Arm Rack Left Lunge
X5 – X10 KB Left Arm Rack Right Lunge
X10 KB Triceps Presses

Group B:
Jump Rope (some virtual)

Alternating groups Rinse and Repeat for full EMOM 10.

The PAX do Supermans (cruising, stream-lined, and flaps down styles all in honor of DreamLiner, and under the choral direction of Attila) as Johnsonville runs a recovery mission to retrieve Pokemons at Control Points Bravo and Charlie.

The 200:

X25 Pole Smokers
X25 KB Right Snatches
X25 CDDs and Pole Smokers
X25 KB Left Snatches
X25 Pole Smokers
X25 KB Right Swings
X25 CDDs and Pole Smokers
X25 KB Left Swings

The PAX do CDDs (under the direction of White Deer) as FlipPhone runs a recovery mission to retrieve Pokemons at Control Points Delta and Echo.

EMOM 10:

Group A:
X7 – X10 KB Halos Clockwise
X10 KB Tricep Presses
X7 – X10 KB Halo Counter-Clockwise

Group B:
Medicine Ball Chest Pass
Medicine Ball Rock and Rolls

Alternating groups Rinse and Repeat for full EMOM 10.

The PAX do alternating planks as Attila runs the final recovery mission to retrieve Pokemon at Control Point Foxtrot.


Counterama and Namearama

Announcements: GridIron continues strong at Pouncey Tract and we will ABSOLUTELY meet Saturday September 10 as we eagerly await news of the F3RVA brothers who are poised to slay the BRR!! For the non-BRRers, White Deer is picking up the Q at CM on September 8 – if you haven’t tried CM consider doing same. Borrow or buy a KB and bring it with you Thursdays 0530 at north side of Godwin HS at the bus loop. But beware, WhiteDeer is a killer.

YHC closed us with prayer of thanksgiving and expression and gratitude and supplication for unspoken needs.


Great to have Seymour join us this am – late sleepers to the DogPile are one of our specialties. Especially those who bring relentless pugilist-style rope skipping skills and who scoffed at Sully’s Medicine Ball Rock and Roll numbers. Well done, strong strong showing, and terrific fellowship with you this morning.

Speaking of strong showings, DreamLiner did F3SC-Charleston proud this morning. Once the PAX recovered from their envy of a guy with a really cool car, we managed to observe the seemingly effortless assault by DreamLiner on this morning prescription. Gentlemen – this double hatee can bring it and he is all in concerning F3 Tidewater/Hampton Roads. Much of the Coffeeteria involved not so subtle undertakings by Johnsonville to test DreamLiner’s ride – speculation is rampant that J’ville is putting a spoiler on his late model Camry.

NightCrawler posted for his sophomore GridIron and we are grateful to have him and inspired by his output. I looked at WhiteDeer’s BB from last week’s GridIron and a lesser man would have bailed out for a second showing. Not NightCrawler, though, who clearly was comfortable with the 1000 ways to move a KB.

The regulars were their regular selves, workman-like efforts, strong desire to get stronger, and even stronger desire to make the men around them better. WhiteDeer is slowly yet firmly moving into the role of MumbleChatterer-in-Chief, he misses very little, and and has enough creativity to bring levity to our foilables, all while delighting in his own state of Methuselah. The PAX noticed WhiteDeer’s reticence to be tasked to one of the Pokemon recovery missions, gladly leaving the job to the more fleet-footed PAX. FlipPhone, of course, ran and executed his mission exceedingly well, though he at first balked at the diamond-based coordinates to exfil the Pokemons at his Control Points Delta and Echo (where’s the left field foul pole?). Same with Johnsonville whose soccer-centric world view was worsened by the additional distraction of vehicular envy. But not Attila – a real baseball man who swooped in on the hot corner and delivered his Pokeman safely back to the virtual ShovelFlag, after 55 minutes of adding considerable reps to the Q’s suggested EMOM ranges.

The aborted Pokemon plan involved actual vintage playing cards left behind by YHC’s adult children (both older than DreamLiner – ouch!). Talk at Coffeeteria about another kid convergence at GridIron involving Pokemon card seeking and other activities (with eyes off electronics and no more headstands except for Flipper) designed to challenge our kids minds, body, and spirits. Stay tuned and please feel free to step up – room for more than a single Q here.

Genesis 1:1


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