Six of the faithful posted on dark Wednesday morning at #SOT. Johnsonville planted a SF and took the Q. This is how it went down, more or less:
30x SSH (starting very very slow and increasing in cadence to very very fast)
12x Scap Merkins
25x imperial walkers
25x don quiotes
Native American run around bus loop
Ciabatta #1 — squats on bus loop
Ciabatta #2 — donkey kicks against brick wall
Ciabatta #3 — box cutters on basketball court
Ciabatta #4 — plank walks along lanes on basketball courts
Mosey around to newish main entrance (at rear of school)
Ciabatta #5 — box jumps on front steps (or wall around steps in some cases)
Ciabatta #6 — bear crawl / crawl-bear
Mosey back to SF. COT (YHC with prayer)
I apologize for the late back blast. It has been a busy few days …
Since LugNut brought a run-centric SOT last week, I thought I would take this one to ground. I hope the PAX got its money’s worth. There was not much mumble chatter. The bear crawls fell at the very end of the workout — about the time we usually finish things off with Mary. I think people expected Mary there, which brought on deep gloom. In fact, we could not hear the start of the 2nd round of Ciabattas over the grunting and heavy breathing.
I really enjoy seeing the southside crowd on Wednesdays. Keep up the good work. Jville
I always love a buffet, and I usually win, but this one was all downhill after the donkey-kicks. Great Q J-ville.
Day 2 and I’m still sore. Nice Q J-ville.
Well done Jville! Always enjoy and hate your Q’s!
Absolute beatdown Jville, legs are still sore. Well done!