Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Yip Yap Three


6 brave and fearless men showed up for F3 Batteau on a beautiful Monday morning.

The Thang:

COP  – 20 X SSH, Imperial Walker, LBC, Freddy Mercury, +10 Merkin.  Paying homage to Gnarly Goat part of the count was just a series of inaudible turrets like yips.  Mild laughter was heard among the pax.

Valley of Doubt – Start at the top of one hill with 5 merkins.  At the bottom (of the valley) perform 5 dips.  Run up the next hill and complete 10 merkins, back down the valley for 10 dips, etc. till completion of 30 merkins and dips.

Lunge down the hill of ill regret, at each lamp post perfrom 20, two-count American Hammers.

Polar Bear – Bear crawl 5 steps and complete a merkin.  Approximately 100 yards.

Tritons Revenge – Run around the pond.  At each lamp post perform one burpee.  Add a burpee for each lamp post to complete 10 posts total.

COT – Mosey back to flag, numberama, namerama and Swirly lead us out.

Fact, Flipper can crush the bear crawls. He got done so far ahead of everyone else that while he was waiting for us to finish he grew a beard.  EF Hutton set the standard for burpee excellence. We have a good group of men and it is an unbelievable privilege to have a serviceman amongst our ranks.   Outstanding to have Genny Light drive all the way from Chester.  BT made an appearance and knocked the rust off quite well.  There is a 50/50 chance he just went to F3 camp for three weeks so he can kick everyone’s ass at Dogpile.  Big cheers to Swirly’s son for the successful completion of his mission trip to Costa Rica and the gaining of some incredible insight into the great fortune it is to be an American.

This was a hard earned workout and the humidity was no joke.  Our efforts were recognized with a gorgeous sunrise.  I think the genius of these moments is that they are earned.  We have pools of sweat as a receipt for the price we paid.

At a morning meeting I was doing a little recruiting for F3.  My exact words were “It’s early. It’s hard. It’s not for everyone.  I think you’ll love it.”

See you in the gloom.



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  1. Way to work fellas. This group is like kryptonite for excuses. A light night airport pickup, fighting a cold, vacation and long morning commute could not hold these men back. Aye!

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    That’s right Hardywood.
    It ain’t the rain, the snow, the boss, the competition, the spouse, the money, the car, the job, the kids, the house, pains in the joints, the being too tired – It’s you and it always has been you – so pull it together and get out there and give this thing called life everything you got! Make F3 non negotiable and you will be a better all around man for it.. So who’s ready to jump on board this train – aye!!!!
    Great beatdown Hardywood,
    See y’all in the gloom !
    Swirly out……..

  3. BT (Big Tennessee) on

    All of the above and then some. Great work, boys. That was a solid beat down for ol’ BT today. Definitely felt the rust, but I’m way better for it. Talk of fall workouts has me pumped!

  4. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    In case y’all are wondering – BRR 31 days to game time – are you ready !!!!

  5. Pickle barrel, little jenny, Genny light. What ever my name ends up as…I’ll keep coming back. Thanks for being the social anchor that got me out of the fartsack this morn.

  6. I’m glad to see Genny Light back in the ranks, and that he got to meet some of the “less talk, more walk” pax members! Well done, men!