Four GridIron regulars, including our good friend PigSkin from F3 Charlotte, gathered at the appointed time for a workout that went, sort of, like the following:
x25 SSHs IC
x25 IWs IC
EMOM 10 (PAX together):
x20 Merkins (odd minutes)
x20 Pole Smokers (even minutes)
Partnered up for KB Farmer’s Carry and Mosey to Pillars Bus Loop
EMOM 10 (PAX split squads):
x3 – x5 Burpees and x20 CDDs
Mosey to bars for x5 Elbows to Knees
x25 KB Pullover and Press
x25 APDs
x25 KB Pullover and Press
x25 APDs
Partnered back up for Farmer’s Carry and Mosey to Pavilion
True Grid:
x1 Burpee
x10 Step Ups
x2 Burpees
x20 KB American Swings/x20 Air Squats
x3 Burpees
x30 Alternating Lunges
x4 Burpees
x25 APDs
x10 WWII Sit-ups with KB Press
x25 Ab exercise of choice
Random KB exercises, including Halos and Snatches
Counterama and Namearama.
Announcements, including Convergence at DogPile at 0700 next Saturday followed by Grow School; Atilla will try to “cover Q” the GridIron.
Travel blessings for PigSkin as he heads home today and for J’Ville on his epic Odyssey; expressions of ongoing concern for White Deer as he recovers and for Toga’s father and those who minister to him; and unspoken needs and concerns.
Prayer by YHC.
Usually the Cricketeers look strangely upon the PAX as we do our Thang once we approach the diamonds located at the back of the school. A new addition, today, were the Volleyballers posting for some early beach-style play. The big surprise, though, was that the Volleyballers swelled in numbers from about 10 at 0655 to 50+ when the PAX arrived back at the Pavilion for the True Grid and Mary. We need to re-double our EHing on this group – clearly Top Five EH Excuse No. 3 is not an issue here; choice of footwear may be.
Strong efforts by the Pax today – sweat stain replicas of F3 marks were observed in several of the PAX deadpools. The KB Farmer’s Carries were a welcome wrinkle to the moseying.
Coffeeteria of two this morning – small numbers, big fellowship.
Psalm 116