Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Afternoon swim


The Thang and NMM:

7 Redwoods posted for an afternoon run around Hillcrest. Weather was 70 and sunny, 0% humidity. Perfect weather for a run in the early afternoon.

We did the Hillcrest loop, Q asked for 6 repetitions. Saab completed 8, Splinter 6 with an excursion onto some new territory, Swirly 6 with run up the Charmian Hill, 6 for DK, Circle K, and TYA and 4 for a Lifoing Lockjaw. Upon finishing the run we had some post run water and watermelon at the top of the hill. 2nd F ensued at TYA’s crib post run. A few observations:

1. Despite the low humidity, we all looked like we had taken a dip in the river mid run. We were all soaking wet.

2. DK packs heavy at all times. He had a dinner with a pal afterward. He brought a backpack with a change of clothes that would have crippled most Sherpas!

3. TYA jettisoned his shirt on the third loop because it weighed about 20 pounds. I got lighter and whiter instantly. Apologies to the PAX and neighbors were given

4. Circle K was deer hunting on his way around the loop. Wildlife as always was in abundance on the run. YHC does not have a keen hunting eye, so circle K helps me avoid the wildlife, but I did come face to face with one of our friends

5. Splinter was out of commission for a couple weeks because of an old man problem (back problem from tying his shoes) Despite layoff, he was out in front with Saab for the first three laps

6. I never saw Lockjaw on the loop, he just appeared at the top of hillcrest when I finished. Post workout I confirmed with others that LJ had indeed run some laps

7. Saab is still trying to figure out when the BRR is. He has it on his calendar along with the Cloudsplitter but I think his calendar may be a bit different from the traditional one we all use.



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  1. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Enjoyed the run and 2nd F afterwards. The good news is that it could not get much hotter on the run than it was yesterday.

  2. Sincere appreciation for TYA and M’s hospitality. When discussing “F4”, Kate was right there with and apt description of the “4th F”…awesome. Personal observation, Tclaps to Swirly for a)His passion for F3, b) post-BRR grocery and beer logistics and c) just about anything else…unless of course it involves an out of town “audit” of F3 performance…You rock Swirly!

    You are correct regarding the calendar. Bear Creek 10 mile, Cloudsplitter, BRR…I have no idea when these gigs are going down but I am ready to run man!

    Saab abides (as long as he knows what day it is)