Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

We Eat Rocks For Breakfast


4 brave and fearless men showed up for F3 Batteau on a beautiful Monday morning.  The conditions were ripe for the success flower to bloom.

The Thang:

COP  – 20 X SSH, Imperial Walker, LBC, Freddy Mercury, 10 Merkin

Tritons Revenge – Run around the pond.  At each lamp post perform one burpee.  Add a burpee for each lamp post to complete 10 posts total.

Cincos – Start with 5 Pole Smokers and 5 Merkins.  Add five more each round until 30 are completed.

Lunge to bridge

Highway To Hell – Pick up a rock of success.  Complete 20 squats with rock.  Run to stairs, up the brick path.  At the top perform 20 dips.  Pick the rock back up, run down the other side and back to where we started.  Complete 3 rounds.

Mosey back to flag, numberama, namerama and Swirly lead us out.

It is in the opinion of YHC that Mondays may be the hardest day to break free from the gravitational pull of the fart sack, but also the most important.  This group of men CRUSHED it today.  A big cheers to Slurpee for dancing with doubt and leaving it all out in the park.  Kevin Bacon is a warrior and dominated Highway To Hell, kudos to you brotha.  Swirly, you are the suffering sinsei.  Thanks for setting the bar so damn high every time.

It is a privilege to plant the flag and dance with doubt in the mornings gentlemen.

See you in the gloom.



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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    As always – great Q Hardywood – still feeling those pole smokers.. Way to push it this morning fella’s fantastic work ..
    See y’all in the gloom….

  2. Great Q Hardywood. That highway to hell was intense. It’s always a good sign when you can’t get your name right during name o rama.

  3. Enjoyed it fellas, great Q Hardwood. Fantastic work to all…My arm and leg muscles took a solid two hours to stop quivering

  4. Yup. Monday’s are hard to get out of the fart sack….and Tuesday….and Wednesday……..

  5. Well done fellas!! I definitely felt Lady Doubt come knocking a couple times this morning. Once I got through 20 pole smokers and realized I still had two more sets, she definitely made an appearance. It feels pretty damn good to push through and get done what you thought you couldn’t and what mortals normally wouldn’t. But who wants to be just normal.