Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Go for two


A PAX of two for Monday’s Punisher and we handled it like this:

Mosey to the school side yard for COP – Imaginary Jumprope x 20, Arm Circles x 15 (forward and reverse / big and small), Russian Soldiers x 20, Hip Heist / Sit Outs x 10 (right then left)

Saunter to the front yard for The Beast – Mountain Climbers, Lieutenant Dans, Rosalitas, Carolina Dry Docks, Freddy Mercuries, and Windshield Wipers.

Move to the easternmost sidewalk for 5 Burpees, a 15 yard Bear Crawl, then 20 Alabama Prom Dates and 30 Box Cutters.  Zombie Walk back to the sidewalk.  Repeat twice for three total rounds.

Slide to the gymnasium wall for alternating People’s Chair and Balls to the Wall and some attempted Inverted Merkins.

Quick stretch then return to ShovelFlag.


Pleased to have double the turnout of last week’s Source of Truth.  Good to see Toga show after his week driving around Tennessee.  Social on Wednesday.  Have a good week.


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