Saturday, January 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Norsemen, Romance Novel Cover Model, and Discount Shopper at the GridIron


Strong showing at the GridIron on a comfortable morning – 12 strong men ranging from 12 yo to 57 yo, including 2 Kotters from the September 2015 Convergence, 2 aspiring Vikings from Charlotte North, 2 FNGs, and 3 father-son teams. The doubling of the anticipated 6 Faithful resulted in a toy box shortage so we adapted and improvised with something like the following (errors and omissions the responsibility of YHC):

Welcome and disclaimer


X30 IWs IC
X30 DQs
8 Count Body Builders Pan Pax
X20 CDs IC
X30 Seal Jacks IC
X30 APDs (bilateral and single leg versions) IC Superman

Split Squad #1:

KB American Swings, KB Squats and High Pulls, and KB Squats and Presses – rinse and repeat X5 alternating with mixture of:

GridIron sideline to sideline Bear Crawls, Lunges, High Skips, Karaoke, Slow Sprints, X25 PLTs rinse and repeat, and Planks

Split Squad #2:

KB station: GridIron sideline to sideline KB carries: Right hand rack carry back and forth, Left hand rack carry back and forth, Merkins AMRAP, Bilateral rack, waiter or suitcase carries back and forth, and Planks

Medicine Ball station: MB Chest Passes and Rock and Roll MB Squats from the 6

Mary: Bird Dogs and Dead Bugs

#97 Mario Addison Tribute: straight sprints and pursuit angles


Countarama and Namearama

Takeout prayer by Ashe – thanksgiving for the Iron sharpening

Eisntein’s for Coffeeteria


Sully (FNG Kevin) set the high bar on the MB Rock and Roll Squats – 18. Strong, strong young man (also shirt averse – reportedly allergic to all conceivable fibers used in upper body coverings) who was EHd (and nearly Starsky’ed) by his “just in time” arriving pop, Cecil, who also earned double cred for strong-arming Ashe (War Daddy) for their Kotteresque posting. Both Cecil and Ashe were disappointed that “that guy with the selfie stick camera” (Abacus) was absent – apparently these two guys require video evidence that they swallowed the RedPill.

5 and Dime (FNG Mike) was EH’d by his friend, the reserved Moses, and posted strong as a warmup for his tennis match later today. 5 and Dime lives in the same neighborhood as White Deer (and other Faithful like Johnsonville and DK) so we look forward to future postings by 5 and Dime at GridIron and F3 RVA’s other AOs – NoToll, Source of Truth, etc. Speaking of that hood, all are reminded of DK’s Q around Lake Salisbury this Wednesday for HDHH – see Pre-Blast for more info.

The MumbleChatter did not suffer today – unlike his Biblical namesake, the F3 Isotope version of Moses was not slow of speech, and certainly did not need a brother speaking for him. The PAX are perplexed by Mose’s firm apologetics for Team Pitino and his polemics in response to the PAX’s sometimes use of an assumed name for the Alabama Prom Dates – Louisville Recruiting Thrusts. Nonetheless, the GridIroners were grateful that Moses and his youngblood, WolfGang, began their Icelandic Saga at the GridIron. The F3 RVA PAX send back from the wilderness our warm regards to Blue and the brothers in F3 Charlotte North.

Ragweed and Yale (War Baby) was the other father and son posting. Yale scoffed at the lower weight alternatives to the KBs and cleaned clock on the Bear Crawls. Ragweed was simply grateful that no one was sneezing around him (or on him) this time.

As is custom, FlipPhone dialed in strong – makes everything look effortless, just like his epic hiking: up, down or ridge are all the same to this one pace wonder.

The #97 Tribute was well-received in its sophomore showing ( Like the MB R&R Squats, it generates some unflattering commentary among the PAX but it’s all good. Certainly, some of the so-called straight sprints defied the PAX’s sense of linear propriety. But WolfGang’s anti-interception technique (“Bend[ing]it like Beckham”) to avoid Mose’s pursuit was both intense and amusing. Attila perfectly exploited the sudden tail wind that lasted the entirety of his 7 second jaunt; White Deer, while no Lee Majors, made proud all his fellow recipients of bionics.

The improv on the fly was facilitated by the strong leadership of Attila and White Deer – well done and greatly appreciated. Any hiccups squarely on YHC’s shoulders. Toy box shortages are no excuse, so if anyone felt short-changed we promise we’ll make it up next time.

[B]ut those who hope in the Lord
will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.

Isaiah 40:31 (NIV)


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  1. Love the bblast, EarthWorm. Did you study up on the Lexicon? Proud of my boy, Wolfgang. He had some opportunities to “Larry Drew” a couple of exercises, but he persevered!

    Great to see my friend 5 & Dime this weekend, after 16 years! Strong work today on the GridIron.

  2. Earthworm always brings the pain. I need to get back to the double dip! I do miss the ground and pound.