Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Logging miles


8 Faithful arrived at the AO for some Spider running.


From Parking lot, Run across lake, to University Drive up to Westham turn left, head toward Ridge Road, Take Ridge which turns into Westham Station, go across the Bridge to the South side of the river, take the off ramp back to the on ramp back across the bridge, back to the flag for the most part.


A B-A-beautiful morning for a run, so much so that Swirly decided run around UR twice before returning to the Flag.

48 total PAX that posted in F3 RVA, Off Shore and TOGA were surely working out somewhere in the Nation of F3, so YHC is calling it 50 for the day!

Bleeder out


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  1. Well done Today guys! I think half the PAX ran over 10 miles this morning. I am not in that half.

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Great route Bleeder. Many thanks to Saab, Bleeder, Fudd, Splinter, and BT for patiently waiting for me to finally return to the shovel flag ! It felt good get in a couple extra in this morning – boy UR is a beautiful campus 🙂
    See y’all in the gloom.

  3. Döner Kebab on

    White Deer said he was going to hit an F3 workout in Myrtle Beach, which makes 51

  4. Enjoyed the semi-flat course Bleeder, and couldn’t ask for a more pleasant morning this time of year. Thanks to Sippy and Marv for setting a challenging pace and also giving me my first run around the baseball stadium outfield.

    Nice to know I am not the only one who is directionally-challenged (apologies for not going out to search for you Swirly, but I learned my lesson with TYA.)