Thursday, December 12
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

US Open F3 Style


18 Faithful and 4 FNG posted for a F3 beatdown at DaVille on a beautiful morning. It went something like this:

Short Mosey to center of parking lot to circle up for disclaimer and a few warmup exercises.

SSHx25, Don Quotiex20, Invisible Jump Ropex20, Front Arm Circlesx10 (small) x5(big)

Mosey to bus loop between middle and high school for Dora 123.  Exercises were 100 merkins, 200 dips, 300 LBCs.  One partner runs the outer bus loop while other partner performs exercises.  Complete exercises as a team.

Mosey to middle school BBALL courts.  Regular suicide and Reverse Suicide.

Stay on BBALL courts for Putt-Putt.  Pax remains on baseline while one Pax attempts a putt from the free throw line, half court, opposite free throw line and opposite baseline.  If PAX member putting misses a putt, the PAX performs 5 burpees, 4 burpees, 3 burpees respectively and completes one lap around both BBALL courts.  If Pax member putting makes the putt from the opposite baseline, Pax member completes 5 burpees by himself.

Mosey back to shovel flag for  Sally Push up Challenge and 4 Minutes of Mary.  American Hammer (LabRat), Alabama Prom Date (Bleeder), Heels to Heaven (Abacus), Freddie Mercury (Circle K).

COT-The Carpenter took us out with prayer focusing on sharpening our gifts to make an impact in our families and communities.


YHC posted at 513am this morning to plant the Shovel Flag and the DaVille Pax started to file in continuosly until start time.  It was great to have another record crowd  and a hearty F3 welcome to Backhoe, Chapstick, YardSale and Hoss.  As we departed the Shovel Flag for possibly the shortest Mosey ever (maybe ten yards), YHC overheard some mumble chatter regarding the ball and putter YHC placed in the center of the circle.  During the Dora 123, the PAX attacked the exercises with everything everyone had in the tank, which worked into YHCs full workout plans.  Upon completion and while waiting for all Pax to complete Dora 123, YHC changed things up a little by switiching to WWII situps in cadence, as opposed to a prolonged plank.  The mumble chatter heard during the situps was greatly appreciated by YHC as YHC knew we were starting to push it a little harder.  (Iron Sharpens Iron gentlemen)  After the suicides, YHC learned that the Pax’s putting skills need a little improving.  The greens were fast and depending upon who was putting, it could break left or right or no break at all.  Not a single PAX made a putt from half court or further, but many were close.  Upon returning to the shovel flag, YHC had six minutes to complete the workout.  YHC wasn’t sure if we would have time for the Mary Push Up Challenge.  Thankfully we did and the mumblechatter ensued from the beginning of the song.  YHC knew the PAX was having fun now.  Unfortunately (or fortunately) YHC’s phone was running a little low on battery power and the song stopped with about 45 seconds to go.  Bleeder pronounced that he could outlast an iPhone, when it comes to merkins anyway.

With less running involved in today’s beatdown, the Pax stayed together most of the time where YHC overheard many conversations occurring and much encouragement from the Pax.  YHC attempted to keep the Pax together this morning for this very reason.  The 2nd F that occurs during each workout is what makes F3 so unique and beneficial to all involved. YHC left this morning’s beatdown with a feeling that YHC was going to conquer the world.  Not because of the workout, but because of the fine men of F3 RVA.  For that, YHC is ever so grateful and thankful.  Thanks for letting me lead this morning.

Circle K


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  1. Great work this morning gents. As a reminder, HDHH tomorrow at 530pm on Browns Island. Flashdance is Q.

  2. Four FNGs!! you guys are killing it out there, great work men. FYI Social this Wed at Brown’s Island starts at 530pm than a run to 7 hills brewery.

  3. Well done keeping it together this morning, Circle K!

    Also, note to Q: I think we had a breech in procedure this morning with “Pig Roast”…he snuck in his own nickname (I am sure by accident, but nevertheless, this must be addressed). Sticking with the piggy theme, but getting a little mean…my vote is for “Squeal”. You are the Q, however.