Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

First Class Streets


American Flag

8 strong posted for a celebratory run in honor of our nation’s most prominent symbol.  Circle up at the Commons before commencing a pass the flag loop on the western edge of the university.

The Thang

Mosey across the lake, past the chapel, up to Crenshaw, across College, right on Westham, left on University, left on Ralston, loop around Windsor on the James, back to Ralston, right on Rose Hill, right on University, left on Westham, right on Lakewood, back to start for final lap around the lake.



YHC checked the calendar this morning before leaving and realized today is Flag Day.  What better to respect our nation’s symbol than with an alternating flag carry on our run this AM.  Hills were not quite as plentiful as previous weeks with YHC opting for new territory rather than repeating some of the hills the PAX has conquered recently.  Upon arrival in “Windsor” (pronounced with a British accent, nose pointed to the sky and pinky finger extended), Marv insightfully pointed out “Man, these are First Class streets!”  They reminded YHC of Kramer’s Wide Lanes episode where he adopted a 3 lane highway and repainted the lines to support 2 lanes of traffic.

Post COT the PAX was greeted with a friendly reminder of the strong and brave individuals who have preceded us in carrying our country’s torch.  Spider Run continues to be a place to enjoy fellowship with our community neighbors, today with the former president and chancellor of the university.  Swirly said it best with “If you ever need a reason to get out of the fartsack in the morning, that was it”.  Just envision an 89 year old ex-marine, fully suited up at 6:15 in the morning, starting his day with a brisk walk through campus.

Today is the day we remember and honor our flag as a symbol of strength, consistency and resiliency.  Let it be a beacon of hope in times of trouble.

Thanks as always for letting me lead.  See everyone in the gloom.

Splinter out.



  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Excellent BB Splinter! Way to work this morning guys – beautiful morning for a run. Keep pushing everyday fella’s and we will be like Mr. Heilman – meeting over @ UR for a brisk spider walk when we are 90. What an inspiration that man is – aye! Great way to start the day!
    See ya’ll in the gloom…

  2. Did yall EH him?

    Good BB, Splinter.

    PS, I owe you a beer. You posting Thursday to 45MOM?

  3. Meeting Chancellor Heilman was humbling and inspiring. Another example of how F3 continues to make a difference in both our daily lives and the lives of others.

    Lab Rat, I don’t mind holding on to that beer for Splinter until he gets back if you like – it will be safe with me.

  4. I’m not going to give you a beer if you are just going to hold it. Beers are for drinking, silly.