Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Grab a Weinke!


8 Faithful posted for a glorious W-Dog Wednesday.  Swirly planted the flag and EF took the helm.  Here’s how it went down.


Mosey to circle for warmup COP


  • Russian Soldiers
  • Helicopters
  • Copperhead Squats
  • Arm Circles F&B
  • Invisible Jump Rope

Mosey to the top of Hate Hill to receive instructions and grab a Weinke


  • Lunges Beginning Near Middle of Hate Hill to Gate (Audible 1 – Catch up to Hardywood)
  • Run Over and Up the Pipe to Pullup Bars
  • Pullups x 10
  • Chinups x 10
  • Dips on Parallel Bars x 20
  • Run Over to Stage
  • Bear Crawl Touch-A-Tree x 10 (Audible 2 – 7 trees except Honeydo)
  • Run to Near End of Half Pipe
  • Merkins x 10
  • Run Across Half Pipe
  • Merkins x 10
  • Run Back Across Half Pipe
  • Merkins x 10
  • Enter Amphitheater
  • Imperial Squat Walkers x 1 First Step, 2 Second Step, 3 Third Step….(Audible 3 – Switch to Squat)
  • Run Around to Front of Carillon
  • Bunny Hops Up First Side
  • Crab Walk Across Top of Carillon
  • Run Down
  • World War II Situps x 20
  • Run to Field in Front of Carillon
  • Lap Around Field w/ 5 Burpees Per Corner
  • Plankorama

Mosey back to shovel flag


This was YHC’s first Wednesday post and simultaneously first Q at the Dog.  The Dog has a reputation for being one of F3 Nation’s top AOs, thus YHC wanted to use as much of it as possible.

YHC expected time would be tight, so the PAX received their instructions and a Weinke to consult throughout the workout.

TYA dared to question YHC’s time estimate and PAX’s ability to complete such an aggressive Q in a 45 minute window.

It was Hardywood off to a quick lead as the PAX struggled to keep up with the lunge master, but Swirly caught up quickly as the PAX topped the pipe and grabbed the bars.  YHC called an audible during the 10 tree Bear Crawl Touch-A-Tree, but Honeydo refused to settle for less, and Bleeder brilliantly headed straight for the woods.  The PAX agreed that a few ISWs can go a long way and the 3rd audible of the workout to squats was a good call.  YHC misunderstood his own instructions and failed to consult the trusty Weinke while bunny hopping across the Carillon instead of crab walking. TYA was shocked to learn that even time listens when EFH speaks, as the PAX led by Sippy and Swirly arrived back at the flag at 6:15 on the dot.

It was a privilege to step out front and lead once again.



BRR is just over 100 days away – run those hills

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Dogpile PAX lawn mowing Q coming soon



About Author

When EF Hutton speaks, people listen.


  1. Quick Announcement: If you are coming to Dogpile Saturday and you have a shovelflag, bring it! (It’s Memorial Day after all)

  2. Honey Do RVA on

    Nice Q EFH. Wondered how I got so far behind during BC-TaT.

    Labrat I will be sure to bring my shovelflag to Dogpile, as long as you have some Richard Kimballs on your Weinke.

  3. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Well done EF Hutton – I loved the tempo – no time for 10 counts baby!!!
    See y’all in the gloom.

  4. Wow EF that sounds horrible I glad the pax had a great mid week beat down!!! I have 45 Mary hope you can make it.