Saturday, September 7
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Borrowed Q


Four of the faithful posted for a beautiful morning at SOT.  The PAX was graced with a nearly full moon as JVille exited stage left for his impression of “Stiffler’s Mom.”

Thang:  Mosey to football field for warmup COP: SSH, scapula merkins, mtn climbers, hillbillies

Mosey to end of field for partner tire flipping.  One pair flips tire back and forth across concrete while the other team completes a 400.  Flapjack and repeato x2

Mosey to bleachers for 15 six to bleacher squats and 15 muscle-ups.  Repeato x3.  Then do 15 dips and run to tire for 10 box/tire jumps.  Repeato x3

Mosey to hill beside tennis courts for bear crawls up and reverse bear down.  Repeato x3

Mosey to field for pick a number of burpees and complete that number every minute on the minute for 5 minutes.

Mosey to drive in front of school for sideways crawls/spider curb crawls with ascending offset merkins to 6.

Several minutes of Mary and done.

NMM:  JVille was nice enough to let YHC take the Q at SOT on fairly short notice.  YHC hadn’t been there in some time, but it still maintains a certain amount of south of the border charm.  Seeing the tire as we were running in was like Xmas.  F3RVA needs more tires!  This one in particular is big with very little tread for gripping.  Good times!

JVille also continues to stay focused on his bodybuilding.  When the Q called for ascending curb crawls to 5, JVille immediately requested that we go to six.  No doubt this was to prevent one pec from getting larger than the other.

Announcements: Bobber informed the PAX that there will be a Mustache Night at The Diamond next Thursday.  Details and the charities involved will be explained in an upcoming pre blast.  Great chance for 3rd F!

Kettlebell goodness at Maximus tomorrow and Hillcrest run tonight

Stay Classy,



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  1. Tire flipping was a nice new addition to the workout, I’ll have to remember that. No coincidence that there is a tractor tire and frequent hillbilles in the Southern most RVA AO.

  2. Sorry I missed that one fellas. Amen to that Rosie, although whenever I think of hillbillies Jville immediately comes to mind.