Tuesday, February 18
Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Singing in the rain


Lucky 7 posted for a lovely RVA morning at LHES.  It went like this..

Warmup mosey around to northeast corner of the school.  Partner up for partner carries across to Boulevard, run down Boulevard to Laburnum, wheelbarrows down Laburnum to first big tree and run up Monticello.  Repeato x2 with partners switching as needed on the carries and wheelbarrows.

Plank fun then mosey to southeast wall of the school for more fun.  Keep partners with one partner running around the school while the other executes AMRAP of 4 burpees, 4 WWII and 4 merkins, flapjack with an additional 2 reps added after each rotation.

At 6:08 the PAX began Mary with flutter kicks, American Hammers, scissors, WWII sit-ups and Johnny Cash impressions during an extended elbow plank.

NMM:  Strong work today by all, but I go back and forth on the partner carry loop.  The PAX gets so stretched out that there is rarely anyone to heckle other than your partner, and you don’t want them to drop you “by accident.”  Offshore and YHC experimented with various versions of the fireman’s carry with Offshore’s last, inverted version being the scariest ride in the park.  It remains unknown if Splinter and Swirly did a repeat of the “spider stomp” so perfectly executed the last time partner carries were utilized.

Flipper did thank the Q, but he wasn’t specific about the reason.  It must be the winning smile and positivity.


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Good Q Toga,
    No spills or head butts this time Splinter 🙂 way to work buddy – those wheelbarrows were no joke..
    See y’all in the gloom…

  2. BT (Big Tennessee) on

    Inverted partner carries…scary for sure. Hopefully, Offshore didn’t give you any hip action, too.

  3. Ain’t no Party like a Toga Party cause a Toga party don’t stop…partner carry is no joke..sorry W Singer you did more than your share. I was simply thanking Splinter and Toga my TUMC brothers for inviting me to F3… All while I was gasping for breath being water boarded by Mother Nature .