14 showed up for what YHC hopes proved to be a good beatdown. This is what transpired…
– COT: SSH, DQ’s, Merkins, Squats, (and perhaps something else I can’t recall)
– 2 burpees at each tree from one end of the school to the other
– Doras (sort of). Partners complete 100 Derkins and then 100 supine pull ups while other runs out and performs 5 dips…and then 5 incline merkins
– Ascending reps across tennis court..stop at at midpoint, exercise, run to end, then backwards run to start. Ascending reps at each stop (e.g. 3,6,9,12). Burpees (x1), high knee jumps(x2), squats (x3), merkins (x4), LBCs (x5)…maybe that was the order
– Everyone lines up holding legs at 6 inches. Person on end jumps over each PAX…repeat (indian pole-smoker arrangement)
– Ring of fire merkins…once completing 10 reps, bear crawl around circle.
– Burpee shuffle: Person calls out number 1-3 (HoneyDo special). No consecutive numbers allowed.
– Indian run/Native American run (what have you) around perimeter back to flag.
Fields were deemed unusable so YHC took the hint this time and moved the “multiplier” to the tennis courts which actually worked out better (easy to locate the mid-point, and less chance of tripping when running backwards). It was about the time that we were counting up by 4’s that Flashdance showed up. It was questioned whether he was truly LIFO, or just extremely early for tomorrow’s RAMM. Anyway, he broke some speed limits to get there so we appreciate his resolve.
YHC could not hear what the mumble chatter was during the COT…too focused on counting. Certain it was at my expense (sorry I missed it). Otherwise we all tried our best Doner Kebob imitation by throwing out a “Hi Roger” here and there. YHC instructions were vague as usual: A quick ask to Sippy to start a count (of PAX) turned into a simple upward-count. TYA responded by saying he had never heard that method before…live and learn.
Announcements: RAMM on Friday (Saab will Q). TYA will be sending BB’s regarding Wednesday evening training runs for the BRR. I’m sure there is something else I missed.
Saab abides…
I had fun guys. Thanks for showing up everyone, and it was good to see Copernicus again.
Didn’t hear much groaning from the PAX. Hope it was due to fatigue and not boredom.
Saab out
Good Q as always Saab! Way work guys.
See y’all in the gloom…
Avoid a certain spot between the redbuds… I splashed some red blend over there. Respect for Saab’s Q: I kept looking for shortcuts but couldn’t find any!
Well done, Saab…serious pain going on this morning. That was an advanced level beatdown!
Also, good to meet Hardywood and Copernicus this a.m.! Keep coming, gentlemen!
Respect to your red blend splash!
Hi Roger…
Great beat down. Love that merlot was splashed. Who would’ve thought that it would be offshore
I always miss the merlot! Nice job!
Thanks for the beat down Saab, I had a difficult business decision to make today. Didn’t really sleep last night so sorry I was late. But the good news is I felt better about what I needed to do. Thanks for the support men!!!