Seven redwoods posted for a Wednesday morning beatdown. Weather was a little damp, but otherwise beautiful…Seemed like 70 and sunny to me.
The Thang:
Mosey towards nickel bridge. COP, disclaimer, 35x SSH, 30x LBC, 10x arm circles (front and back), 20x mountain climbers. Mosey to first shelter. Bearmuda triangle with Berp and Merks. Bearcrawl to light pole 1 x burp/merk, bear crawl to tree, 2 burp/merks, bear crawl to fireplace 3 burp/merks. Repeato x 3. Mosey towards other shelter, on the way pick up fallen limb and transport to the brush pile. Mosey to other shelter. Elevens with WWII situps and 4 count mountain climbers. Eleven route is down the hill about 100 yards and back up to the shelter. When completed, do hill repeats until all pax are finished. Mosey back to shelter. Tabata dips followed by tabata LBC, followed by ring of fire with 10 push ups. Mosey towards flag. 3.5 minutes of mary with American hammers, LBC, Bay City Scissors.
COT with Fudd taking us out.
Awesome to have Bleeder back out there for a workout, for the most part. He put in a good workout, but could not resist messing around with the Q. When YHC started the workout with SSH, I was determined to do as many proper SSH as possible. Having spent the past 1.5 years perfecting my technique, I was all ready…until, I turned towards Bleeder and he was doing his best to imitate my worst SSH form.
Fudd is a constant feedback machine. He was really happy when I described the Bearmuda triangle. He also loved the Bay City Scissors giving the Q ample feedback. If “feedback is a gift”, Fudd is the biggest present you could ever get. (I know I might get feedback that this is a little hypocritical for me to say…but what the heck).
I am going to throw out a new corporate challenge for the PAX. It is going to sound easy…but I bet no one can accomplish it. The challenge is simple. Beat Swirly to a workout. Any workout will do, you just have to get to the AO before him. Good luck to all.
Welcome to Last Time, Keith. He posted for his first workout from a recommendation of a friend who had posted once. He has been doing Seal workout for sometime and was looking for something a little bit different. Hopefully F3 will fit the bill.
Finally, over my 1.5 plus years as an F3 PAX, I have found many amazing benefits of F3. This morning, I discovered one additional benefit. An F3 workout will eliminate ticks from your body. On the way in, I felt a bump in my underarm and noticed that I had a tick. The tick appeared pretty happy and content in its new abode. That is, until I stared the F3 workout. The beatdown was too much for the tick. When I completed the workout, the tick was gone.
See you in the gloom
Since this was my WDog VQ, I had the usual VQ jitters. Woke up at 3 am ready to roll and going over the workout in my mind. Gotta love the adrenalin that i provides though… Thanks for the opportunity to lead.
Nice work TYA. The highlight of my day was watching Bleeder doing SSHs alternating count from the PAX in honor of the Q.
Welcome Last Time!
Well done TYA, doing SSH’s TYA style has to be the hardest exercise to execute properly or improperly.
Bear Crawls were much appreciated!
Nice WDog VQ TYA! 2 TYA Q’s in 1 day with the hill runs in the afternoon – felt it this morning bro…
Second that great to have Bleeder out in full force – and I agree with Honeydo watching Bleeder purposely doing SSH TYA style was awesome – but gotta give the Q some love man you have greatly improved on the ole SSH..
Welcome Last Time.
Love the corporate challenge – it’s all about preparation baby so get to the AO before me and you will surly be ready to go!
Absolutely true about TYA SSH’s.