Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny



17 gathered at MM under a perfectly Gloomy predawn moon for a solid beatdown and superb counting.  Here’s how it went down…

Mosey to area adjacent to basketball blacktop for COP:

20 x Copperhead squats, 12 x Merkins, 25 x SSH, 10x forward arm circles (sm/lg), 10x backward arm circles (sm/lg)

Mosey to Soccer Fields.


Blackjack:  line up on one sideline of soccer field, run to far sideline to perform 1 merkin, run back to original sideline to perform 20 LBC’s (21 total reps).  Continue with merkins escalating to 20 and LBC’s de-escalating to 1.  Plank until entire PAX is finished.

6 MOM to include Bay City Scissors x 10, Captain Thor x .875, LBC’s x 25, Freddy Mercury x 15

Mosey back to the VSF at fellowship pace for COT.  Swirly took us out.


Welcome, Bilko!  Great to have you out and looking forward to seeing you again often at future workouts.  YHC wasn’t really sure what he would ultimately do today, but it appears that he has a tendency to fall back on exercises that involve escalations, pyramids and running.  The morning started off without a hitch, and much laughter was had for Bleeder bullying TYA about his techinique. But it was clear that spending 2F time with both Saab and Lockjaw (both with MBA’s in cadence) and some hops-infused imbibements at HDHH (thanks again, Flashdance!) the night before definitely culminated in some difficulty with counting and attention span for YHC in the COP.  Then again, maybe the daydreaming spell was caused by the fact that YHC had just realized that he had started the workout without a SF, or wondered whether or not 45 minutes was enough time to accomplish everything he had planned (it wasn’t even close), or found himself lamenting that we probably wouldn’t get to see TYA in tights for another 6 or 7 months?  Who knows, but one thing for certain is that the laughter and general jovial attitude came to an abrupt halt with Blackjack.

Sorry, fellas.  There was a whole lotta suck factor in that thing:  210 merkins, 210 LBC’s and 3.2 miles.  It seemed like it would never end.  I almost wrote “Blackjack” as the only word for “The Thang.”  As Marv noted, a 5k with a bunch of merks and LBC’s mixed in.  Or a merkin ladder with a bunch of LBCs.  Either way, much pain. Spotter and Protest looked like they were fresh off the set of Chariots of Fire, finishing well in front of the PAX and even knocking out some WW2 situps while waiting for everyone to finish.  Swirly and Saab finished strong as well.  Well done!  YHC missed the mumblechatter from the other side of the PAX but is confident that Lab Rat was keeping everyone in check.  On the way back to the VSF, Oyster employed a Billy Run and pushed past most of the PAX.  Atta boy, Oyster!  Way to finish strong!  At the COT, most of the PAX commented that it was difficult to keep up with number of reps.  Duly noted and will make an adjustment next time.  T-claps to Swirly for delivering a powerful prayer to send us out.  Afterall, he never has been one to mince words.


Thanks again to Flashdance for the 2F last night.  A great time was had by all.

BRR- see TYA for signup.

Lab Rat needs volunteers to assist with the Mary Munford Kids’ Running Club this Monday since TYA bailed on him.  Shoot him a text if you can help.  See Marv about how to go about getting background checks.

Earth Day is tomorrow.  See Wedding Singer about getting a T-shirt.

Today was fun and terrible!  See you in the Gloom!  Aye!


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  1. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    As always – great beatdown BT ! That damn thing felt like it would never end…You and Mr Rogers rolled on the thang too.. Atta baby Bleeder – way to push it man..
    Great work today guys… Once again tclaps to Flashdance for last night – appreciate it bro!
    Yep I call’em like I see’em cause F3RVA is where the big boys play!
    See y’all in the gloom!

  2. I figured it was punishment for abusing TYA and his disability with SSH’s. No worries, half of my Knee problem is 90% mental. Unfortunately, the other half is what’s giving me problems.

  3. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Blackjack wasn’t even the worst part. Who thinks these things up like bay city scissors. And more importantly why. I think burpees just climbed up the board of worst exercises BC scissors are now the worst!

  4. Well mostly terrible but needed after those heavy beers. Oh well put up or throw up is my motto!!!

  5. I was telling Circle K how long blackjack seemed to take, then he reminded me that I Q’d when we flipped two tires around a 1/4 mile track. Touche.

  6. Nice beatdown BT. Proper, well-paced counting is highly overrated. Thanks to Marv for keeping me straight on the blackjack count.