Always 70 and Sunny
Always 70 and Sunny

Seeing Double


13 Faithful and 2 FNG’s gathered in the gloom to put an exclamation point on the morning. YHC cleared the road block on I-195 just in time to plant a shovel flag have a minute to gather his thoughts. Here is what transpired:

Morning jog around the campus, gather Sippy Cup on the way out of the lot

COP (on the newly open fields)
All COP excersizes IC
-X20 SSH
-X20 Split Jumps
-X20 Copperhead Squat
X10 little arm circles, X5 big arm circles. Reverso
X10 merkins

Mosey to Grove side of school for curb crawls AS A GROUP
-bear crawl forward, X10 merkins
-bear crawl right ten shuffles, X10 merkins
-crawl bear back to curb, X10 merkins
-bear crawl left ten shuffles X10 merkins

Mosey to pavillion
-Pole smokers X50 OYO

Mosey to track
“It’s a friggin triangle, People”, aka 5 corners
-X10 pullup/chinup
-X20 dips
-X20 incline prom dates
-X20 ,merkin potpourri, switching styles every X10
-X20 leg lifts
rinse and repeat until YHC says stop

5 minutes of mary:
-flutter kicks, american hammer, LBC, WWII situps, dying cockroaches (maybe another?)

BOM, YHC took us out.

TBH, this morning was a bit of a blur, and YHC has an exam to study for, so hopefully the Pax can fill in some good nuggets in the comments. A couple things though:
-Most of the mumblechatter this morning was during pole smokers, which YHC, a noted expert on mumblechatter, cannot fathom. YHC was too busy gasping for breath to hear what the topic was.
-Spotter has a twin! Welcome Sniper!
-Tramp Stamp has a friend! Welcome Dutch!

-Happy hour on 4/20 at Ellwood Thompsons. Flashdance is Q
-BRR has a couple spots open. See TYA

Always an honor to lead you men, thank you for the opportunity.

Lab Rat


About Author

Need somebody to talk incessantly during a long run? Ask you questions while you are gasping for breath? I'm your guy.


  1. Incline prom dates? That’s from deep in the Alabama woods! Nice work, gents! Sad to have missed the pullups, but I’m sure Earthworm’s kettle bell workout will give me something to cry about later.

  2. Swirly (F3 Corporate) on

    Good job Labrat !
    I’m still laughing about hair club but glad that was not thrown out there….Wow… Awkward…
    See y’all in the gloom.

  3. Thanks for the props….Im hurting.

    I would also like to state that I had nothing to do with the awkward hair club thing. For some reason I feel compelled to point that out.

  4. THE Yankee Aggressor on

    Great job lab rat. Enjoyed the workout.

    Still think we should have named spotters brother spotter. They are so identical looking it’s easier for the old man to just think he is having an episode of double vision

  5. Döner Kebab on

    Next time, consider an anagram of the original F3 name for a twin’s name…in this case: PROTEST would have been the obvious choice

  6. Yeah, but maybe Sniper spends his whole life wishing he could stand solo, without HAVING to be associated as a twin. Maybe he just wants to be himself for once. Just one place where he isnt “one of the twins”.

    Then again, Protest is a great name. Maybe they have a third twin.